15- I'm Not Blind

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I knew that Hudson was going to find me. I had it coming after I kissed him back and then completely avoided him after the party. And yet, when I hear the knock on the door downstairs and I look out my bedroom window to see a familiar black SUV parked on the curb, I start to panic. It's been a week since the party and I was actually getting a little but hopeful that he was going to leave me alone.

"I'll get it!" I shout downstairs in a desperate hope that my dad won't answer the door. My mom's at work but my dad, as always, is sitting in his office probably playing solitaire. I want to stay in my room to at least get dressed and fix my hair before I go downstairs but the idea of my dad answering the door and greeting Hudson Gray makes my stomach turn in knots so I start racing for the stairs.

My hair is up in a messy bun, my shorts barely cover my butt because it's hot in the house today (my dad turned the air conditioning almost completely off because he's convinced that the heat will push him to create magic), and my t-shirt is an old ratty thing. Today was a stay-in day to catch up on my reading for school and everything and I obviously wasn't expecting company.

As I'm running into the living room, however, I see that my racing to the living room was useless because the front door is already wide open and there stood Hudson, standing in front of my dad. With his back to me, I couldn't read my dad's reaction to greeting a celebrity at our front door but I couldn't escape because just as the thought of running back up the stairs pops into my head, Hudson sees me over my dad's shoulder and smiles.

"There she is," Hudson says loudly. "I'm here to see Iris. We have some things to discuss."

"Is it about her work?" My dad asks him, nudging his metal-rimmed glasses up his nose a little bit as he turns to look at me, looking very surprised yet very calm. "Iris, you didn't tell us that you were working on such a big picture film."

"Yeah, it's not a big deal," I say quickly as I'm walking closer to Hudson and my dad. In all honesty, I know that if I told my parents that I was in this new movie then they'd go see it in theaters and then they'd see me on an insanely large projector wearing just underwear. Not awesome. "I'm only noise in the background. Anyway, yeah this is my dad. We can talk in the kitchen."

I motion for Hudson to come inside and my dad shuts the front door behind him. Still shocked at seeing Hudson Gray, my dad just blinks a few times before leaving, returning to his office. I lead Hudson through an arch and into the kitchen before I turn and frown at him. I expected him to show up but that doesn't mean that I can't act surprised.

"You looked up my address," I accuse him of the obvious. "That's beyond creepy."

"I did what I had to do," He says with a shrug. "You didn't really leave me any choice after what happened at the party. And anyway, with how we left things, you knew that I'd come."

"Keep your voice down," I hiss at him, acting very paranoid as I turn to make sure that my dad isn't still around to hear this conversation. For a reason to not have to look at Hudson, I turn to the counter and I start making coffee. Hospitality, right?

"Sorry," He says in a quieter voice. "Anyway, you know what I want to talk about."

"I don't," I lie. It's completely useless to play dumb, I know that, but it comes out of my mouth before I can stop it.

"You do," Hudson insists stubbornly. "I don't get why you're being so... distant."

"Because I don't see this going very well," I explain quickly, still facing the counter so that I don't have to face Hudson and his blindingly blue eyes.

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