27- Isn't It Obvious?

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It doesn't.

I stand in front of the hotel door for a good ten minutes, knocking occasionally, but nothing happens. He's not here. I'm too late but I can't let that stop me after I've come so far. I have to try harder and I have to get to that benefit.

Still standing in front of Hudson's hotel room, I open my suitcase and pull out the red dress that Rebecca had let me borrow for this occasion. I guess I'm going to the red carpet.

I leave my suitcase in front of the door, thinking that maybe one of the employees of the hotel will just put it in the room but if they don't and somebody takes it, it's not much of a loss, all I have in there is a few outfits and some socks. I still have my bag over my shoulder though as I run back through the hotel and get back into the lobby area where there's a bathroom that I go into and get changed. I even put on some bright red lipstick and hurriedly do my eye makeup too. If I'm really going to do this and I'm really going to be on TV, I do not want to look like a naked mole rat.

Just after I get dressed, I realize that I forgot dress shoes so I'm stuck wearing my gray vans which isn't the end of the world because the dress drapes over my shoes but I still feel kind of ridiculous but at least I can run faster to get t Hudson as quickly as possible. I just hope that nobody notices my shoes.

After I'm dressed, I stuff my old outfit into my small bag and then call Rebecca because I don't know where this benefit is.

"How'd it go?" She asks. "Badly, I'm guessing, since you're calling me."

"He's not here," I tell her. "Do you have the address of this benefit?"

"Yeah. It's just a few blocks away though, you can just walk there. I'll text it to you," She tells me. "Are you wearing the dress?"

"Yeah," I confirm.

"Okay, well, go get 'em," She assures me before ending the phone call. Once she gives me the address, I ask the concierge of the hotel what the quickest way to get there is. She gives me directions and I thank her before running out the door.

With my bag on my back and my vans pounding along the New York sidewalk, I run as fast as I can and I probably look absolutely ridiculous. My heart was already pounding so fast before with the excitement of seeing Hudson but now that I'm actually working out, I feel like my chest is going to cave in. I don't stop though, I just kind of grip my boobs because this dress is backless and does not allow for a bra.

I'm only running for a few minutes before I arrive at the building that's holding the benefit and in the back, I can see a line of limos lining up to get into the red carpet. There are photographers and fans bunched around them because this is probably as far into the event that people can go without actually having a pass. This is where I need to be. Running up to the crowd, I try my best to push my way to the front but I only get midway through before the elbows stop budging and I can't go any farther.

I can see the limos from here so I try to look through the tinted windows to see who's inside but I can't see anything. Luckily though, other people around me can tell who's inside each car so I can hear people chattering around me about who's passing in each limo.

Jennifer Aniston and then Kate Upton and then Zachary Nash with the whole Chase the Rise gang. That's the limo that I need but how am I going to get the attention of them when everybody else is already screaming and shouting at the limo? I watch as the short limo rides through the roped off road and it's disappearing down the line. I need to do something fast.

In a stupid impulse, I take my wallet out of my bag and I chuck it at the limo. With a loud pang against the back window, it falls to the ground and effectively stops the limo. The guards standing by the limos to stop people from walking up to them start yelling but I don't think that they realize who threw the wallet yet.

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