23- Give It Up

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A week passes by very slowly.

I distract myself from Hudson by putting all of my work into the movie. Three days into shooting, we're shooting a scene in a mall where a shooting starts to occur so with the signal, I have to scatter with all of the "mall-goers" and it's really chaotic because it's hard to capture chaos in a movie without having real chaos on the shoot. We only shoot that part three times because I guess all of us extras do a really good job at running for cover once we hear gunshots.

It's an interesting set and a lot different than Chase the Rise that I did with Hudson and the guys. Just like I always had done before that movie, I stay away from all of the actors and actresses because even though they seem nice, I just don't want to socialize with them. Clearly, I should have stuck with that rule during the last movie too because if I did, my life would be a hell of a lot easier right now.

The extras on this movie aren't nearly as friendly as the ones on the previous movie. They aren't rude or anything but they're very professional. They want to come in, do their work, and then get out. That's kind of refreshing because that's how I used to like to work. After meeting Marina during the last movie though, maybe it would be cool to have a friend on set though. The extras are of all ages because people who go to a mall are usually of all ages.

The people that look to be around my age have a few cliques that they associate with when we have some down time but even when they're conversing in their groups, they're talking about the movie and how to improve the next scene and they're still talking about work. So I chose not to get associated with any of those groups so that I could just go off to the side and read a book or study for my classes or sometimes, I'll grab a snack.

The director gives us a long lunch break as they shoot another scene that doesn't need any people in the background so I decide to go see Kurt. I've been working long hours since the movie started shooting and this studio is pretty far away from Michael Hopkins so I haven't been able to go see him in a few days.

I've only went to visit Kurt once since I ended things with Hudson but all I got out was that we broke up because I was so hysteric about the whole thing. He comforted me, told me that I'd find somebody better. Everything that an older brother should do, which was nice. I mean, the voices in his head chimed in their opinions too but they weren't so helpful. I didn't even tell Kurt about why we broke up and he didn't really seem to mind or notice, he just went on comforting me until he could change the subject to something different to get my mind off of Hudson.

Now, I'm wearing my own clothes- jeans, sneakers, and a sweater because it's cloudy outside today- so I don't have to go change in wardrobe, I just have to grab my bag from the back and head out to my car. On my way out there, my phone starts ringing in my bag. As I'm walking through the studio to get to the parking lot, I grab my phone from my bag and see that it's an unknown number. It's my zip code though, so it might be somebody that I know.

Too curious to ignore the call, I answer it. It could be from a studio or producer offering me a job or something, which would be really cool.


"Hi, is this Iris?" A chipper female voice answers.

"Yes, this is she," I try to put on my best professional voice.

"Oh, great. Okay, this is Rebecca. Hudson's sister?" She tells me and my throat goes dry. I've been spending all week trying to forget about Hudson and even though it's been pretty much impossible and painful as hell, getting a phone call from his sister surely doesn't help anything.

"Oh. Hi, Rebecca," I greet her slowly, trying not to sound displeased that she's calling me because I don't want to be rude. "What can I do for you?"

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