Chapter #11

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Chapter #11: Hash Brownies


We walked into Jake's huge house and the gross aroma of smoke and alcohol filled my nostrils. Man, I haven't smelled this scent in a long time. I suddenly felt guilt- the last time I went to a party was at Daniel's and I had lied to my parents the morning after when my mom had caught me throwing up.

The song "Pursuit of Happiness" was blasting through the house and everyone was going crazy.

"Peyton if I see you doing anything that I don't like then I will interrupt you, even if you're in the middle of sex you understand? Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Daniel shook my shoulders and used his 'over-protective' tone with me.

I smiled, "O'course. Lemme just go get 10 cans of beer and chug them then go dance on that stripper pole." I replied jokingly.

Daniel rolled his eyes knowing that I was kidding. He walked away and did a man-hug-thingy with Jake. I never understood why guys did that. I looked around above all the moving heads and caught a glimpse of a small hallway.

I went into the hallway where everyone seemed to be. I grabbed a beer from the fridge, making sure it was sealed before I opened it. Last time, I hadn't noticed the beer was slightly opened and it had been spiked... Lets just say that night didn't go too well, as I resulted in falling out of Melody's tree house in her backyard.

Opening it, I engulfed my throat with a big sip and my tongue sizzled. I felt like letting out a loud moan from the sensation I haven't tasted in months. The bubbles tickled my tongue and I felt dizzy but it felt right. The stress seemed to flood away and I finished the can within seconds. I leaned against the wall, watching everyone dance and speak and girls talk about the latest gossip in Compton High.

"She's the only girl Evan's ever went after! He usually just fucks then chucks! I saw him with her!" a brunette screeched.

My mind was to foggy to comprehend, but I listened as carefully as I could.

"God, I hate her. She better watch her slutty back!" another girl spoke.

I sighed and grabbed my third and final beer. After finishing it in five minutes, I felt dizzy and extremely happy. I went to the dance floor and danced with some drunk girls to the craziest song I've ever heard. I recognized it as "The Pursuit of Happiness" and I beamed. I pumped my fist wildly as everyone in the crowd jumped up and down repeatedly. I felt gross, hot and sweaty but the smile on my face didn't go away. The girls next to me were screaming and drinks were being toppled over, making the floor most likely sticky. I felt so care free, that I continued to dance like a complete maniac.

The fog machine suddenly went off and the crowd went insane. The music blasted through the large stereos and the boys at the very front stood on the long dining room table, pouring alcohol into the girls dancing in the front. Girls were chugging on their drinks and I laughed at a brunette who was drunkily owning the pole. I felt my arm go sore from fist pumping so hard but that didn't stop me. My body shook, my stomach tingled, my throat was sore, my arm hurt, my feet were killing me, I was sticky everywhere and my eyesight was blurry... but I continued to grind on some guy behind me.

Now this, is a sick high school party.

I swayed my arms and hips for a few minutes before making my way through the hundreds of teenagers and going back into the living room where everyone was hanging out. It was fun to live it up sometimes. I pushed my sweaty hair from my forehead and itched my dress that clung tightly to my body. The last time I went that crazy was at Daniel's party. I sighed happily as I walked over to the room and sat on a two person couch, holding the empty beer can in my hand as I watched everyone flirt, sing, dance and simply have fun.

The Bad Boy Saved My Life #Wattys2016Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon