" Not Sorry . "

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I havent talked to Chresanto since the jacuzzi party . But to be honest it's not really hurting me. I had on my red crop top, badge pants, and my bred 11's. My hair was still curly from yesterday just dry. I put oil sheen on it & walked downstairs.

Me - Hey mom.

She was eating breakfast

Mom - Morning sweety.

I made my plate and sat by her.

Mom - That's wierd.

Me - I have time today.

I put syrup on my pancakes.

Mom - I havent been asking you lately, but how is it going dating that guy?

Me - He's old news.

Mom - Since when?

I drank my apple juice.

Me - Couple days ago, he chose his ex over me mom. How does that sound?

Mom - It has to be a reason why he did that YN .

Me - Because she's pregnant.

Mom - See that's the reason! When that baby plops out he's gonna want you again.

Me - Im not waiting a year for this guy mommy.

I ate a piece of my bacon.

Mom - Well, why not?

I finished my food and washed my plate.

Me - Because if he chose his ex over me in one minute, he never loved me like he claimed he did.

I grabbed my bookbag.

Me - Bye mom love you.

I kissed her forehead and drove to school.


I feel sorry for dropping YN like that on the spot, i really do love her and she is my girlfriend. But Wassiam is pregnant so i cant leave her either.

?? - Chresss

? - Chresanto



I held my cheek.

Chresanto - Jacob what the hell was that for?!

Craig - You've been daydreaming man! What about?

Rayan - His girlfriend YN , you know he sprung.

They all laughed, i smacked my teeth.

Me - Whatever, what time is it?

Jacob - 15 minutes until the bell ring.


Craig - Here comes trouble.

I turned around, Wassiam.

Me - Wassup

Wassiam - I just really feel bad about YN, i didnt mean for you guys to break up.

Me - We didnt break up but thanks.

Wassiam - Wait ... you guys are still together?

Me - Well yeah just because your pregnant dont mean i have to be back with you.

Rayan - Wait PAUSE ! Wassiam your pregnant?

Wassiam - Yup!

Craig - Who baby is it?

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