" Dead Bodies & More Victims ."

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Prom is in 2 weeks, YN still is missing. She's still all over the news and milk cartons. I feel so miserable even thinking of her. Still crying, it was a knock at my room door.

" What. " I whimpered.

The door creaked and it was Craig, " Sup bro. " He came and sat down on the edge of my bed.

I wiped my tears and gave him dap, " Sup. "

" How you been? " He asked seriously.

I sat up, " Horrible. "

He patted my back, " It's alright bro, but anyways me and the guys going to the brink. Wanna come? "

I thought about it, i do need to get my mind off YN for a bit. So i agreed. I put on some black sweats, white beater, and my bred 11's.

We walked downstairs and my dad stopped our track,

" Chresanto i think you might wanna see this. "

He motioned us to the tv, the news was on. We soom saw YN's and Tori's face on the screen.

" Two teens gone missing for about 2 weeks now, handprints and clothing found in a abonded building next to 'Shady Brook High School' . One teen named Tori Adams was found dead in the building. With cuts on her throat and near the heart. The other teen YN LN eventually escaped the building, she's no where to be found. But she's not dead. If anyone knows any informantion on who kidnapped these teens or where YN LN is dail 1800-537-HELP "

My eyed widen and my heart shook. YN has been around the corner from the school all along, she's escaped and Tori's dead. Who did this? I became angry and my fist clenched up.

" I think we better go, thanks Mr. August " Craig said with a cracked voice.

We slowly walked to Craig's car. I didnt talk the whole way there.

He looked at me, " Bro i know your hurt but look on the brightside. YN isnt dead, we dont know where she is but we garentee she's not dead. "

I looked at him, " Thats not the point. Who did this, if YN would have never escaped she would have been in the same position as Tori. Dead. "

He didnt say anything, because i was right and he knew it.


Me and my mom was eating Ice Cream watching " Love & Hip Hop Atlanta "

" Rasheeda mom is a thug! " My mom squealed.

I laughed as the show went on break. My mom grabbed the remote.

" Woah what are you doing? " I yelled.

She changed the channel, " The news is on. "

I rolled my eyes and watched the news. I felt so salty and dumb. They know where the building is that we locked YN away in. How did YN escape? And i told Anthony to bury Tori's body. I couldnt feel my legs, i feel so bad and i feel as if im caught.

" Some news huh? People are crazy these days! " My mom said.

I ignored her and went on my porch, i dialed Ant's number.

" Hello? "

" Ant are you watching the news? "

" Yeah. Look we need a new plan "

" Fuck a new plan! We need to find YN, if someone finds YN and report her were dead! Even if she goes to the police department and snitch on us. "

" True, but theres nothing to worry about. YN would only go in obvious places, so we just send a hitman. "

" Where could we get a hitman Ant? "

" You'll see. "


I checked in the hotel and went straight to my room, once i saw Tori's lifeless body laying on the bathroom floor i ran for my life. Ant and Wassiam are crazy, but im not gone sweat it. I turned the tv to channel 4, and there it was. The whole case was over the news. But they cant find who kidnapped me and Tori. I figured Chresanto was worried about me. I quickly picked up the hotel phone and dialed his number. After 6 rings he answered.

" Hello? "

I couldnt believe i heard his voice. I smiled but shed a tear.

" Hey babe. "

" YN? "

I could here his voice crack, i cried more.

" It's me. How you been? "

" YN where are you? The question is where you been? "

" Locked away! I've been meaning to call you but I just now reached a phone. "

" It's fine. Im just glad your okay. "

It sounded like he was crying.

" Where are you? " He asked. " I wanna come see you . "

I smiled.

" Marriot hotel. "

" Im on my way, with a couple gifts. "

" Just you baby! "

" Promise. "

The line ended, I smiled and waited. Waited for my baby.

- 45 minutes later -

I put on some navy blue sweats, a white sweater crop top, and my black polo socks. I put my hair in a bun . There was a knock at the door, i smiled hella hard.

" Who is it? " I asked clueless .

" ChressyBaby. "

I chuckled and opened the door. I jumped on him, he went inside the room and closed the door. He laid me on the bed and we started to makeout, roaming our hands all over eachother's body.

He stopped and smiled, " I missed you. "

" I missed you too. " I said.

He got off of me, " I brought a couple things. "

" What? " I asked.

He pulled a phone out his pocket, " I got your iPhone fixed and costumized. "

It was the color blue of my hair with gold studs and a pink home button. I smiled and hugged him.

" Thanks baby. "

He also gave me a necklace, hair ties, crewnecks, and his timbs.

" Aw i love you baby! " I squealed happily.

" I love you too. " He whispered.

We kissed once again . Then was a knock at the door.

Chres looked at the door, " You got company? "

" No " I replied. " Nobody knows im here but you. "

He looked at the door once again, " That's strange. "

We walked towards the door and he looked through the peephole, " I never saw his face before. " He whisperd.

He stopped looking in the peephole, " Who is it? " He asked.

" Housekeeping ! " They said happily.

I looked through the peephole, " Let them in. " I whispered.

Soon as Chres unlocked the hotel room door, BAM ! Were both unconsious.


Hey Guys, OH EM GEE My Birthday Tomorrow ! Can SOMEONE Wish Me Happy Birthday ? But Guess What? JOJO ( Prod's Lil Bro ) Wished Me A Happy Early Birthday ! Yaaaaay !

But I Have A New Story Out, Look At That. Called " Like Feburary. " It's Awesome! ( Of What I Hear Of ) & Check Out @xSheSpiffyThox Stories Too! She's Dope. Thanks Guys(:

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