Chapter One

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"Baby, wake up. Come on, Sweetie, wake up." A soft female voice spoke to me as she shook me gently. I open my eyes and rub them with my hands and sit up on my bed.

"What's going on, Mommy?" I ask sleepily, "What time is it?" She picked me up in her arms and carried me out of my bedroom in our small apartment.

"It's okay, Baby." She murmur, setting me down beside an outfit for me. "Let's get you changed out of pajamas. And hurry, okay?" I slowly nodded and changed into a pair of brown pants and a white long sleeve shirt, which had three buttons on the left shoulder, and a pair of brown high tops that had fur on the inside of them. She fixed my hair hair into a ponytail with just a little bit of my hair hanging down the side of my face and a white bow also.

She slid the straps of my backpack over my shoulders and onto my back and picked me back up and closed the front door behind us and took off running out of the apartment building completely to the small car that we own.

She buckled me in the backseat and got in her seat, driving away quickly. "Mommy, what's going on?" I ask again, knowing that something was wrong.

"You just have to trust me, Rowan." My mom answered, looking at me for a split second in the rear view mirror and back at the road. "I got in some trouble. But it'll be okay- You'll be okay."

I give her my best interrogating look at her and ask, "What kind of trouble, Mommy? Like- Like jail or the opposite of life?" I didn't like to say the word 'dead' or 'death'. It made me feel like a terrible person.

"Sweetie, don't worry. That's my job. It'll all be okay." My mom reassured me, trying to convince me that it really was going to be okay and that I shouldn't worry about it.
~Inside the NCIS building~
An hour later...

I was sitting on a cushioned, tan bench inside the headquarters of NCIS, waiting for a man that my mother told me to wait for. She said that he is my father and had also told me that she left the folder of him in my backpack, along with my birth certificate and social security card and whatever else.

I looked down at the bench, just wondering if my mom had made it out of town safely yet. Then the NCIS Director walked down the stairs and over to me, sitting on the bench beside me. She had a red pixie cut hairstyle and was pretty. "What's your name, Sweetie?" She asked me softly.

"Rowan Price. I was dropped off by my mom here. She told me to wait for my father... I don't know who he is personally, but she knows him." I answer, "What's your name?"

"My name's Jenny. I'm the Director of NCIS." She stated, "Do you know your father's name, Rowan?"

I take out the tan folder and open it to look at his name. "Anthony DiNozzo." I reply, looking back at her.

"DiNozzo? I didn't know he had a kid." Jenny murmured to herself and then said to me, "He'll be here at 0700."

"What time is it now?" I ask, still not knowing what time it was since I was woken up.

"0500- I mean 5:00 A.M." She said.

"I know military time. My mom is a marine in the Navy. I know all about NCIS also. She told me to trust them." I reply.

"Oh. How about a tour, Rowan? Want to meet our medical examiner, Ducky, and our forensics scientist, Abby?" Jenny asked.

"Sure." I answer, standing up as she did as well. We walked to the elevator and went all the way down to the autopsy room.

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