Chapter Two

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We arrived at the scene within five minutes because Gibbs can drive really fast. That's what I learned. I looked at the apartment, realizing that it was mine and my mom's home. "My home. I didn't think I would get to see this place again." I say, sliding my hand into Tony's hand. He looked down at me and back at the scene inside the apartment. He was taking pictures of the evidence and such.

I let go and walked over to the dent in the wall, cringing at the memory that was left of it. Tony noticed it as well as he walked over to me. "What happened to make a dent?" He asked.

"Uh... I was playing football inside, which I wasn't supposed to, and the ball slammed into the wall, making this dent in it." I lied, not wanting to tell him the truth about that incident.

"Okay." Tony replied, not buying what I just told him. I smile innocently at him as he went and took more pictures of the place. "Hey, Probie. Open that door for me." It was my small secret door behind a large picture on the wall- They had found it!

I quickly walk over to them, trying to not let them go in. "You're too big to fit in the door." I say, pulling my father's arm back, "Don't go in there. Please."

"Rowan, what's in there? What're you hiding?" McGee asked as they stepped foot in the room. It was completely empty and bare. They looked at me after they looked around the room.

"Um..." I start as I chuckle nervously, "I just didn't want you to see this wall color..." I back out of the room and then notice a silver locket on the floor near my bedroom down the hall. I walk over to it and knelt beside it, fixing to pick it up but Gibbs stopped me. He watched me as he picked it up with his gloved hand and put it in a clear bag labeled 'evidence'. "It was my mother's. Please be careful with it." I tell him.

He nodded as we stood back up and walked back to the main room. I look over to the start of the kitchen, noticing another dent in the wall. I couldn't help but to cringe as I remembered those painful memories. Gibbs had noticed as did Ziva. "Come on. Let's get this evidence back to Abby."

After five more minutes of riding in the NCIS vehicle, we arrived back at headquarters. They took the evidence back down to the lab as I sat in Tony's seat at his desk again. "Relax, Rowan. They won't find any evidence to charge your mom with. They can't prove anything. You, especially, have nothing to worry about." A voice in my head reassured me.

"Then why do I feel worried? Why am I not helping them find my mom?" I thought back, "And I'm talking to myself. Awesome."

I lay my head down on my folded arms on the desk, watching Gibbs, McGee, and Ziva. "We need a witness or a possible suspect." Gibbs stated, looking over at me and back at Ziva and McGee.

I bit my bottom lip and looked down. "I can tell you what I know. I can be a witness." I quietly reply, "But... do we have to speak in an interrogation room? It makes me nervous being in one of those with people watching behind a mirror."

"Okay." Gibbs said. He led me to a conference room and closed the door behind us. I sat down in a rolling chair on the side of the long table as he sat at the edge of it beside my chair. "Do you know where your mother is?"

I shake my head. "She just told me that she had to leave town, and that I couldn't go with her... She also told me that she had got into some trouble with some bad people... Will she be okay, Agent Gibbs?"

"I don't know." Gibbs said truthfully, "We noticed some dents in the walls of your home. What caused those?"

My chest tightened up, my heart sped up, and my breathing stopped as I tried to catch it. I look down at my hands in my lap, squeezing my eyes shut. "A bad person." I manage to say as I move my hand to my chest, "Can't breathe... I need... my inhaler."

DiNozzo's Kid (NCIS fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang