Chapter Four

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"Jethro, it's been a week now. Close the case. Having it remain open is giving her false hope about her mother returning." Jenny said sadly.

"I can't do that, Jen." Gibbs replied.

"You have a twenty-four hours. After that, you'll have to close it and move onto the next case." Jenny said.

Gibbs nodded and walked out of the office and back downstairs and to the Bullpen. "I want everything on Aubree Price."

"Dating back to how long, Boss?" McGee asked.

"Everything, McGee." Gibbs answered.

I look up from a book that I had been reading and go over to where my dad was at, which was at his desk on his computer. He was looking up my mom's permanent record.

"I found the location of Henry Clark, an old-" Ziva began.

"An ex-husband." I finish for her as they look over at me. I look down at the floor, avoiding their stares.

"Where?" Gibbs asked her.

"Seven blocks from NCIS." Ziva answered.

I shake my head. "You've got to be kidding." I mutter under my breath. He also abused my mom and I.

"Why don't you like him, Rowan?" McGee asked.

"Let's just say she had lousy taste in husbands." I answer upset, my arms folded.

"McGee, Ziva, you're with me. DiNozzo, stay and research more on Mr. Clark." Gibbs said, walking towards the elevator with Ziva and McGee.

"Gibbs, be careful. He's also dangerous." I comment as he nodded just as the elevator doors closed.

Tony sat me down in a chair beside his and made me face him. "Tell me about this Henry guy."

"Not as bad as Robert but still bad." I reply softly, "Honestly, there's five stepdads of mine. They each have married my mom, left or divorced, and were all abusive." I sigh and look down at the floor. "I'd get beat up more than my mom because I would step in front of their punches so that they wouldn't hit her."

I made a face and held up one finger on the sides of my face. "Those men were literally the Devil from down under."

He laughed at my silly devil face and then looked serious. "We're going to find all those men and put them away, okay?"

"No. They're gone. Out of my life now." I say, "Who knows? Maybe they cleaned up their acts." I shrug, smiling a little. "I've- I'm not mad at them. What happens, happen."

"You really are the smartest five year old I know, Ro." Tony replied. I smiled big as he smiled also. He began to research the man as I helped him.

After ten more minutes, Gibbs, McGee, and Ziva walked in with Henry Clark who was a brown haired, light blue eyed handsome man and was handcuffed. He looked over at me as he said, "Get that insolent child away from me!"

"What's the matter? Scared of a five year old or guilty of something?" Ziva asked him.

"No. Death follows that child around. Wherever she goes, someone ends up dead." Henry answered.

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