Author's Note

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Guys, I am so sorry that it took me sooooooooo long to update another chapter. I'm glad that you are enjoying the story so far.

I'm working on the next part right now. And I'll give you a slight spoiler: It skips to when she's 21.

And, by the way, to fit in Rowan in the NCIS plot, I've changed everyone's ages a tad bit. Tony was eighteen when Rowan was first born, so you can do the math on sixteen years after twenty-three (Tony's age when Rowan was five).

Timothy McGee was eighteen when Rowan was five, so he's five years younger than Tony.

Gibbs is, well, Gibbs. Ziva is the same age as Tony, but she might be a couple of months younger.

So, if Rowan is 21: McGee is 34. Tony is 39 as well as Ziva. And let's just say that Gibbs is in his fifties or something. 😂

Okay, let's get back to the story, shall we? I'll try to update as soon as I can, okay? Okay.

Bye! I love you, guys! 😘😳

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