Chapter Seven

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I walked out of the elevator and towards my desk with three coffee cups in my hands, sitting my bag in my chair and placing one cup on my dad's desk and then Gibbs's. I was the first one there, which means no one but me was here. Other agents from the other teams were here but not my partners.

I remove my bag from my chair and place it on the floor behind my desk and out of the way, sitting down in the rolling chair and propped my legs up on the table while I leaned back in the seat, relaxed. I drink some of my coffee and sit up straight, removing my legs off of the table and turn the computer on. I didn't like creamer in my coffee, just black and two spoonfuls of sugar in it.

I type in my username and password and start searching random things on the web, just passing time while I waited for the rest of the team to show up. I looked at the time. It was 0500 on the dot. Agent McGee should at least be here by now. He, other than me, is usually the first one here. Oh well.

I plug in my flash drive that I always keep hidden and put up and look through my multiple files and spot the folder within a folder on the drive named Derek Henry. Pictures and files of the blue eyed, spiky black haired man showed up on the screen.

Tears threatened to come as I blink them away and close the files and unplug the flash drive, discreetly hiding it in the side of my bra. Best place to keep someone from finding it. I rub my eyes slightly and drink another sip of my coffee just as Timothy McGee walked in from the elevator and over to the Bullpen and to his desk.

"What're you doing in so early?" He asked curiously after he set his bag down beside his chair, behind his desk.

"I like to be punctual for my job- always have been." I answer, looking at the time now, which read 5:17 A.M. "What about you? You're usually the first one here, but today, you're seventeen minutes late from your usual time."

"I just had a little bit late of a start." McGee answered, "But I'm still early."

I smile amused and look over at him. "Was it a girl, or perhaps, your sister- Sara?" I say, teasing him on the last part in an innocent tone, "Does McMuffin have a wittle girlfriend?"

"What? No. I just- My alarm went off ten minutes later than usual." He replied, blushing just a tiny bit.

"I do know how to make you get all flustered and blush." I say, calling him out on his blushing. I give him my trademark cheeky grin and spin around in the chair.

"You're-" McGee started.

"I know. I'm adorable." I finish as he sat down in his chair and faced his computer. I turn my chair to look at him because I knew it kind of aggravated him while he did some work.

"Rowan." McGee complained while looking over at me, "Why are you staring at me?"

"Is it bothering you?" I ask.

"A little." He admitted.

"Then there's your answer." I say, smiling while still watching him. Tony walked in, followed by Ziva. "Hey, McGee. Think they're dating?" I softly ask him as he looked over at the other two walking towards the Bullpen.

"Tony and Ziva? Nah. I doubt it. They're more like best friends." McGee replied to me where they couldn't hear him.

"Hey, Ro. When did you get in?" Tony asked me.

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