Chapter 5 - And They Touch

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Hey guys! How's everyone's day? Don't be afraid to comment as well. :) Enjoy and vote!

UPDATE: Helloo! :D Found a soundtrack for the nightmare scene.. Just click the link when you see this symbol --> ~{x}~ (Though you have to have a Spotify account to play it :/ If you don't, you can sign up using your facebook account :D) I'll be including soundtracks for other chapters when appropriate, just warning you. ;) All credit goes to the owners of the songs & makers of the videos.

Track Title: "Amityville Haunting"

UPDATE: Okay guys.. I get that the link is either not working or hard to find and I agree. So here's a video that may give the same effect. :)

Track Title: "The Amityville Horror"


Chapter 5



    Christmas Eve. Twelve years ago. She was in a car. And she was with her parents.

    She saw a wispy image of her younger self beside her in the back of the car. Her little feet dangled off the seat, and she was lively with anticipation.

    The scenery outside was a blur, and all she heard were her parents' laughter and the radio playing a vague Christmas tune. They were all talking animatedly about the family reunion that night.


    And then the winds came...

    The vision flashed to a completely different scene: She seemed like she was underwater in a semi-frozen lake... Or at least, that was what she thought it was, judging from her surroundings.

    But the one thing Clara was sure of was that a transparent wall separated her from her parents. Either the wall was made of glass or ice, she couldn't tell. Her younger self was nowhere to be found.

    The world was upside down: the ground was the wall, and the sky was the lakebed. The background of white clouds at her parents' side almost sent her stomach lurching.

    Her hair floated serenely above her head, and she gazed down at her parents at the other side. She can see that they were telling her something, but she couldn't hear.

    Her parents were 'kneeling' on the glass wall. She tried to get to them. She pounded her shadowy fists furiously on the barrier, her heart hammered on her chest in time with her blows.

    Then her parents vanished into nothingness. They turned into dust before her eyes and were blown away by the wind. She was horrified.

    She watched helplessly and tried to scream. Although the water didn't rush into her lungs in the dream, she couldn't make a sound. Bubbles floated from her mouth and rose up to the gravity-defying sand.

    Panic, fear, confusion, and dread filled her mind while she frantically clawed her nails on the rough barrier. Drops of her blood escaped from the tips of her fingers but she paid them no heed.

    On the spur of the moment, black tentacles in the form of sand grains coiled around her arms. They pulled her upwards in the direction of the lakebed. She tried to struggle and tried to swim towards the wall, but to no avail.

    She looked back up to where the tentacles were coming from, however they seemed to have originated from behind the sand.

    She kept on coming closer and closer to the 'bottom' of the lake. Her heart thumped so fast, it might have shot out of her chest. She tried kicking, but there was no target. She tried to pry off the tendrils from her arms, but they tightened their grip further.

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