Chapter 12 - Little Black Dress?

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Honestly, I can't tell if I'm supposed to update this week or the next but whatever.. It's here already :P  So readers, you guys know what to do :) Enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment, alright? Much love!

UPDATE: Hello there! :D I'm dedicating this chapter to 
@Dustleaf as you can see... I believe you guys have seen some chapters here and there dedicated to this lovely halfling ;) Special mention goes towards her story 'Minus One' o3o If any of you readers are interested in fantasy and adventure, then be epic peeps and check it out xD Thanks!! xo


Chapter 12



    Jack reminded himself to thank Clara later. He really was hungry. He can already smell the morning goodness of his future meal right in front of him. Even spirits had to eat more than just once in a while. He was no ghost. 

    The Guardians sat down at a long table, with North at one end. The table could seat about twenty people in total, but there would only be five people coming to eat. 

    Jack took a seat at North's left-hand side while Bunny sat at the other, just opposite to Jack. The Guardian of Memories placed herself beside Bunnymund. 

    Her mini-fairies have returned from work. They danced around Jack, probably trying to talk to him through a variety of chirps and squeals. He laughed with them. 

    Two Yetis came in and served the food a minute later. Usually the elves worked in the kitchens, but seeing as they were a bit... cranky these days, the Yetis would do. Plus, Jack thought they cook better than the elves. 

    The smell was very inviting and stomach-churning. Jack was just about to grab a pancake with his fork when North slapped his hand softly. "Jack, we should wait for Clara." 

    Oh, yeah, right. Mind your manners, Jack thought with a blush. He didn't have to wait as long though. 

    The food was still warm when Clara entered the dining room in fresh winter clothing. Her short hair was fashioned in a braid, hanging at one side of her neck. 

    "You guys haven't started yet?" she asked, making her way to them. 

    Jack stood up to offer the seat next to him, frosting the chair in the process. He didn't even know he did so, until Clara flashed him a smile and sat down. 

    "Thanks, Snowball," she told Jack with a wink. 

    "Anytime, Fuzzball," he answered, smirking. 

    "And now, let's eat!" Bunnymund exclaimed. A table napkin was tied to his neck like a bib. 

    When the Guardian of Fun remembered Clara's new nickname for Bunnymund, he looked at her. She looked at him. Then they both looked at Bunny and tried not to snicker so loudly. 

    It failed, though. His long grey ears were good at picking up the faintest sounds. One murderous look from the Pooka sent the two teenagers to a laughing fit. North chuckled a few times as well. Bunnymund scoffed, and then proceeded to eat. 

    Jack saw Tooth giggle at the Easter Bunny's eagerness to reach for the mashed potatoes. She picked up a plate of waffles and shared it with her fairies. 

    "Yes! Breakfast!" North said as well and targeted the chicken on the table with his knife and fork. 

    "Do they actually serve a whole chicken every morning?" Jack heard Clara whisper to him. 

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