Chapter 15 - Snowflakes And Sparks

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Since Maddy and Pinky read my story out loud in their two distinct & different American accents (which I loved listening to :D) I've decided to put up Chapter 15 a bit earlier than usual ;) And also because I was so late in uploading the previous one.. =.=

So here we are in the loveliness of reading 'Brightest' :) Enjoy and vote!

And Do. Not. Forget. To. Comment. <3

Thanks! xoxo

UPDATE: I just relaized I haven't dedicated any of the past chapters  to anyone :O Well, this one is now. :) Meet Maddy, guys :D Her story's still being written but I reckon the plot is gonna be so awesome when it's up... Seriously guys, she needs all the support and attention <3

If you're reading this, Mads... Stay epic! <3 ^.^

UPDATE: Play the video when you see this -> ~[x]~


Chapter 15



    It was noon by the time Jack and Clara arrived back at the Workshop. Clara had thankfully stopped crying. 

    He was thankful that they only encountered two stray Nightmares that luckily didn't bother them. That was the time when Clara had her eyes closed and didn't notice them. 

    Jack set her down once they entered the mansion. He noticed Clara swaying when she left his arms, and soon she ran over to the nearest window. She pushed it open and then heaved. 

    "Whoa, Clara!" Jack went after her. 

    Clara turned around to face him, one hand covering her mouth. "Sorry," she said with a muffled sound. "That was a very attractive thing to do." She was pink in the face, but she was still shivering. 

    Jack, knowing what to do, pinched her nose gently. Blue powder sparkled and fluttered from her eyes. He saw Clara sigh in relief and stop shaking. 

   "Thanks, Ice Man," she muttered. 

    "You're welcome, my sweet Frizzly Bear," Jack cooed and earned a glare from the teenager. "What happened? We were talking about..." Jack meant to ask about her parents until realization hit him. 

    Oh... Her parents, Jack thought. 

    Jack noticed a shadow that passed over Clara's face. "They died," she murmured. 

    Jack tried to hide his amazement for fear of Clara mistaking it for shock. It must've taken her a lot of courage to say those words. 

    And that's why she couldn't talk about it. Jack would say he was sorry, but he noticed Clara giving him a challenging stare, like she was daring him to say the words. 

    Just to be sure, Jack asked, "Do you want me to carry you to the fireplace?" 

    Clara brightened a little bit. "Sure," she answered. 

    The Spirit of Winter didn't give her a piggyback like last time. Jack made sure he was still holding his staff as he took Clara's thighs and shoulders, holding her like a bride. The situation would've embarrassed them both if not for Clara's state. Jack pushed the wind to bring them upwards to the top floor. 

    North and the others weren't back yet. And Sandy was nowhere to be found. They were alone except for the Yetis and elves, all hurrying about in their own business; well, only the Yetis had stuff to do. The elves were 'quality testing' the Christmas presents. 

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