Chapter I

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November 13, 2015

"I will search for you through a thousand worlds and ten thousand lifetimes!"

I said, grinning from ear to ear as I waited for her to answer. Watching her from my monitor, I noted how she was tapping her upper lip with her right index finger while thinking of the answer to what I said. Her finger stopped its movement and her lips curved up to a smile.

'Ahh she got it.'

"Forty-zeven Ronin, zaid by Kai," she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

I clapped my hands to show that she is correct. "Very good! Forty-seven Ronin it is, darling. Though you still need to work on your accent when you speak in English." I laughed at how she stuck out her tongue, taunting me. It is not my fault that she is French and her English carries her French accent heavily.

"I can't help it if I ztill have my accent after all 'zeze yearz."

I was about to comment on her issues with saying the letter 'S' and 'TH', replacing them with a Z, but my darling woman cut me off. "Zo! Ma chérie, it iz my turn, oui?" I nodded my head. "Very well. 'If you had a zizter and a dog... I'd chooze 'ze dog.'"

Of all the quotes she used, and she chose something that I find as easy. "C'mon sweetie, you can think of harder quotes than--" I cleared my throat and grinned. "Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides' Captain Jack Sparrow!" I said, mimicking Jack Sparrow's voice.

She laughed and nodded, letting me know my answer is correct. Of course it is correct. It's freaking Captain Jack Sparrow!

"Indeed it waz a bad choice of quote. Your turn 'zen, chérie?" she said while taking a sip from the cup that she now holds. It's amusing how she doesn't notice those around her and focus mostly on me and her drink.

With a nod, I already know the quote I would have her guess. "Here goes. Ahem. 'I spent so long in the darkness, I'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.'"

My goddess placed her cup on the table and turned to me with a smile that says, 'you're not going to win'. Then I realized that we watched the movie where the quote came from two nights ago. "Aw wait I-"

She shook her head. "Non, ma chérie. You have already zaid it, 'zerefore, I will anzwer." She winked at me and I felt myself blushing from the said gesture. "It waz zaid by 'ze Corpze Bride, from 'ze movie, Corpze Bride."

"Correct," I said with a pout. "We tied this round, my dear. Next one, I will win this game of ours!"

A game. We're playing a game which we say a line from a movie and we guess which movie it came from and who said it. It pays that we both like watching movies and mostly pay attention to the lines of the characters aside from the plot.

Shaking the thoughts of my idiotic forgetfulness, I paid attention to what's in front of me and smiled. Currently having a lovely conversation with a beautiful woman via Skype and watching her on the screen, I'm in awe at how beautiful she looks when she's laughing.

Honestly, she's already beautiful no matter what expression she wears. But her laughs? Her smiles? It can make one's heart soar.

How could one not see how beautiful the sun of my world is?

Her blonde long hair that's currently tied up in a messy ballerina bun, clear blue colored eyes that somewhat changes depending on the lighting, a blemish free face and a cute cupid shaped lips can really make anyone say-

"Beautiful," I said out loud, mesmerized at how my darling's laughter resembling the softness of wind chimes.

"What waz 'zat, chérie?" my darling asked me after her laughter subsided.

I planned on answering her, smile still on my face, when I heard some footsteps heading towards my room. My mom.

"Elise! Dinner's ready! Tell Claire you'll Skype call her later!" my mom shouted, opening my bedroom door slowly. Checking the time on the clock of my computer, it was already seven-thirty in the evening.

When the door is fully opened, I swiveled my computer chair and faced my dear mom. "Heya mom! I'll be down in a minute." I told her who was clearly annoyed at how forgot about dinner again.

"Oh no you don't! You're going to march to the dining area and eat your dinner." My mom looked past me and headed straight my way. When she was a foot away from me, she pushed my chair aside and focused on the computer. On Claire. "Hello Claire. How are you? Are you eating your veggies? God knows how you French love your bread and whatever fine cuisines you have."

"Bonsoir tante. I'm fine and oui I am eating my vegetablez." my darling smiled sweetly at my mom. "Elize reminded me over and over about it."

Hearing my name from my beloved's lips, I was about to interrupt their conversation when my mom, not even facing me, made shooing gestures with her left hand. She wanted me to leave and have her talk with Claire. With a defeated sigh and knowing I can't disobey my mom, I stood up opted to leave.

But before I left, I was able to hear what my mom said to Claire.

"God knows how my idiotic daughter even asked you to be her girlfriend if she can't even ask for a cup of water from Starbucks! To think, she's already 25 years old!"

Oh how I hate and love my mom deeply.

Leaving the two women – whom I love so deeply – alone, I proceed to feed my growling stomach. Food now, Claire later.

In case I forgot to mention, my name is Elise Zaragoza and the one I was having a Skype call with is Claire Le Creuset; my beloved girlfriend.

From Paris, With Love [GirlXGirl]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon