Chapter VI

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November, 2009

My friends have been teasing me about my attendance in the special class; saying that I was having a 'rendezvous with the 'beautiful instructor'. Their words, not mine. Something that made me blush whenever they tease me about. But since there was no truth in their words, I dismissed it and continued attending instructor Le Creuset's class.

Along with the codes, I also learned more about my instructor in the said class. Because it's just the two of us during the special class, sometimes I get bored and asked her personal things. Things that she seemed too eager to answer.

Like how she's two years older than me and being an instructor is her first job out of college. Her hobbies consisted of watching movies and checking for new topics related to webpage designing. And how she has a hard time adjusting in a foreign country and her accent.

"Your accent's fine," I told her, eyes on my laptop screen. Instructor Le Creuset told me how she wanted to learn to speak English fluentl; without her issues with the words consisting of the letters 's' and 'th'.

"But it iz not fine. My colleaguez 'zinkz it iz laughable."

I stopped what I was doing and looked upfront. The webpage instructor was pouting. "Laughable? Maybe you misunderstood them."

The instructor perked up. "Mizunderztood?" I nodded. "Elize, I 'zink 'zat zmiling when I am zpeaking to 'zem countz az laughable. Look! You are doing it az well!"

True to her words, I was indeed smiling. But finding her accent as ridiculous? Now that's ridiculous!

The bell rang, signaling the end of our special class. "I really think you're reading this in the wrong way," I said, closing my laptop and putting it inside my bag. With my equipment safely tucked in, I slung my bag on my shoulder and stepped away from my table and went towards the door.

With my hand on the handle, I looked back to instructor Le Creuset who had a confused look on her face. "I find your accent very appealing," I said to her. When I realized what I said, I froze and stared at her whose lips are slowly curving upward. "Need to go!" Holding my bag securely, I ran out of the room.

Why did I say those words?

Why did I even think of telling her that?

Why the hell did I admit that I like her accent?!


The next day, I was hiding from instructor Le Creuset.

Instead of going to her daily class, I skipped and spent my time in the cafeteria, munching on a loaf of Monggo bread. In my mind, I was still wondering why I told her about my fascination with her accent.

"Hey Geek! It's a surprise to see ya without yar three friends."

Looking up to the one who spoke, I saw one of my classmate in my World History class. The long dark braided hair, a pair of branded glasses, an air of sophistication, saying 'ya' instead of 'you'; I believe her name is Raine Quinn.

"Raine," I nodded, acknowledging her presence. "They're attending instructor Le Creuset's class."

Raine sat on a chair adjacent to mine and pilfered a piece of my bread loaf. "Oh? That pretty instructor in yar college department?" she continued taking a piece of my food which I didn't like one bit. "She's very famous all over campus, ya know."

I took my bread and made sure it was out of her reach. My food, mine only. "Yes, that instructor. And yes, I know about her being famous. She already has a fanclub."

Raine nodded and tried to reach for my Monggo bread. "Yes, and I believe they stalked her classes a few times. Though funny how they are fangirling and fanboying on her and instructor Chevalier."

Now that took my attention away from my food. Raine took advantage of my distraction and swiped my bread. As I recall, instructor Chevalier is the Economics instructor and I only encountered him a few times in campus. "Why are they going gaga with that instructor?" a question that somehow I already know the answer. My eyes went back to my loaf of bread and took it from Raine who already ate a small portion of it. Why is this girl even eating my food?!

Raine still tried to nab my bread from my grasp. "Because one, he's smart. Two, he's handsome. And lastly, he's French. He's also a definition of a gentleman and has a drool-worthy body which majority of the female population in campus are fawning over at. Plus, I heard he's one of the many suitors of yar hottie instructor."

What Raine said did not sit well in my stomach. Sure, instructor Le Creuset was beautiful and I would be surprised if she didn't have any suitors, but thinking of one made me feel queasy. Like I-failed-an-exam-and-I-have-to-repeat-a-sem kind of queasiness.

But the thought of her, instructor Le Creuset, dating someone? Someone who's not-

My thoughts were disrupted when I heard a familiar accent. The same accent that my ears already deemed as the accent of an angel. My sights immediately turned to where I heard the said accented voice – still not giving Raine my food– and saw instructor Le Creuset entering the cafeteria with instructor Chevalier; both smiling at each other as if they were having a nice conversation.

What's worse is that instructor Chevalier has his left arm slung over instructor Le Creuset's shoulders.

It seems like the whole cafeteria froze. Those who knew the two instructors stopped what they were doing and just stared at the two. Some had their mouth hung wide open, while others just ogle at them and squealed like fangirls.

Me? I was frozen on my seat; bread finally forgotten, seeing those two enter the cafeteria like some lovey-dovey couple.

"Wow, I guess yar instructor hottie finally said yes to instructor Chevalier." Raine commented.

I didn't care if Raine already took my bread and now eating it like a hamster while leaning on my shoulder, or how that Economics instructor has his crummy paws on instructor Le Creuset. What I cared about now is how those haunting blue eyes stared at me.

Staring like I killed her cat or something.

My body involuntarily shivered under those cold gaze.

'For the love of Asgard, that's one scary yet sexy stare.'

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