Chapter XI

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A chuckle escaped my lips.

The song La Vie En Rose indeed became my favorite music and has been the assigned ringtone to Claire's number. From then to now, it became a part of us.

After that encounter during the special class, Claire drove me insane with all her subtle flirting and innuendos. It confused me as Helheim. Making me think if she liked me more than just a student.

Thinking of Claire, slowly made me fall for her. I know I'm not a straight-forward kind of person, but my feelings for Claire was so intense that I had to act upon it.

And my parents had something to do with such acts.

December, 2009

Funny how mothers knew about their sons or daughters more than them. Like how a daughter could simply say she already cleaned her room and her mother would doubt it and be actually right about her daughter not cleaning her room. Or a son telling his mother that he stayed with some friends to study which a mother could tell that he actually went to a bar and got wasted.

My mom? Well, I think she's a psychic and could see the future.

"So, how are you and that fine young instructor of yours?" My mom asked during breakfast.

It was a weekend and I was having breakfast with my parents. Pancakes with maple syrup, bacon, and a cup of coffee.

"Which instructor, mom?" I asked. I was busy with social media in my phone with my coffee that I heeded no mind to my mom's question.

"Oh you know, that instructor of yours that you have been mumbling about for the past few months. I must say, she's a very lovely looking woman." My mom paused and I could hear her placing her mug down on the table while my dad grunted. "When will you take her here to meet us?"

Mothers know best. That's a fact. And honestly, a scary one.

It was a bad time to drink coffee. A bad time to drink a very hot coffee and mom asking about a certain blonde instructor that captured my heart. And as cliché as it sounds, I ended up spitting my coffee in a comical manner and my dad – who happens to be sitting in front of me – catching all the coffee.

"Sorry dad," I said sheepishly, wiping the coffee off of my lips using the collar of my shirt.

"Nothing to worry about. Your mom's fault anyway," My dad wiped the coffee off his face and smiled at me. "Amelia, don't ask about our daughter's love life when she's drinking or eating."

You see, my dad's a playful guy despite being a known harsh lawyer, while my mom's the serious one between them.

My mom rolled her eyes and handed me a tissue. "Oh hush Caesar. We both know how you wanted to see Elise's new girlfriend as much as I do," She shot a warning glance at my dad and set her piecing glare to me. "So?"

After wiping the remaining coffee stains from my clothes and face, I looked everywhere but my mom. Why did she have to be all mother-like and have to know everything that's happening my life? With a deep sigh, I looked down on my pancakes and started to play with the syrup using my fork and ignored my mom. Better drop the subject as quick as possible than prolong it and end up with a foot in my mouth.

But I guess the silent treatment didn't work because I could feel my mom's burning gaze over me. Plus my dad was snickering so loud that I didn't think he was even hiding his amusement.

"'So' what?" I asked, hoping that my mom's not talking about a certain blonde instructor who has captured my heart.

"When will you be bringing that instructor of yours to meet us? What was her name, Caesar?"

I looked at my dad and I felt smug that I know they don't know my instructor's name. But there's a taunting smirk on his face that made my smugness falter. 'Shit.'

My dad's confident smirk showed that he knows her name. "Claire, honey. Her name is Claire Le Creuset."

Mom nodded her head with a pleased look on her face. "Ah, a pretty name for a pretty girl," She looked up to me with a cheshire-like grin on her face. "When?"

I swallowed an invisible lump on my throat and tried to avoid eye contact with my mom. I swore to the elves of Alfheim that I was already blushing and they're enjoying this. "Erm... when what?"

My dad grunted and then laughed at my response. And my mom? Well, she had this look on her face that screamed 'lie to me again, one more time' and hell, I would never try to lie to her. With a defeated sigh, I took my mug of coffee and stared at its contents. "I don't know, mom. Why would I even bring an instructor here in our house? And how did you even know about her?"

How did they even knew about instructor Le Creuset?

"Well, a week ago, she called us, asking about you." This took my attention away from my coffee. "She was asking if you are having any personal problems and the likes. I almost had a heart attack when she said she's your instructor," Mom said with an amused looked on her face. "Of all your years as a student, this is the first time an educator called. Anyway, she asked a lot of things about you and quite frankly, she sounded so worried that it's already unusual for an instructor."

"She does." My dad added with a taunting smirk. "I listened in their conversation and I could say that by this instructor's tone, she's very concerned about you." My mother agreed with his comment.

Why can't I have normal parents where they tell their kids that they shouldn't have any romantic relationships with anyone until they are grannies? I groaned loudly at how my parents were teasing me. Then it hit me. "Wait a minute... If you guys talked to my instructor, how come mom knows what's she looks like?" I asked both my parents, eyeing them suspiciously.

Dad's grin widened and he took out his smart phone and tapped it few times. After navigating to the messenger application, he showed me a picture of instructor Le Creuset, dressed in a grey shirt with black cardigans and black skinny jeans. The picture looked like it was a stolen shot and taken from a distance. Still, instructor Le Creuset looked so beautiful.

"Can I have a copy of that?" I suddenly asked, having my mouth work faster than my brain. My dad snickered at what I said. "For references! I like her dress!" I lied through my teeth which I know my parents wouldn't even believe.

My dad took his mobile phone back and placed it on the table, face down. "Sure, my dear. But before that, well, in the looks department, this instructor of yours is a looker. And personality? As someone who can detect a lie from how a person speaks or the actions they make, I could say that the concern of this instructor of yours is genuine," dad's voice sounded so complacent. Like he was sure that my instructor has something other than concern over a mere student when she called.

"So with that in check, when are you going to let us meet your new girlfriend? I don't mind the age gap, I can give you my full consent, given that you two won't be screaming your love for the next two years or as long as you're a student and she's an instructor," He said, grin still adorning his face. My mom was agreeing to his words, and I could bet she was asking the same question.

Why do I have such unusual parents? The urge to bang my head on the table is very tempting at the moment.

"So? I don't want to wait for next year to meet this girlfriend of yours," my mom added.

"But she's not even-" My mom didn't even let me finish what I was about to say. She just fantasized on the different scenarios of how I will introduce my instructor to them.

It took my mom and dad approximately thirty minutes gushing about my blonde instructor and I was just minding my own business – staring at the picture of my instructor that dad sent to me – when my mom called my attention. Turning to my mom, a smile still on her face, I asked what she needed.

Honestly, I never should've asked. The smile was a dead giveaway.

"I said, we should invite this woman to Noche Buena! Better ask your girlfriend about spending the night with us on Noche Buena and we don't want a 'no' for an answer," My mom repeated with a bright and sunny smile on her face.

I blinked a few times and asked them to repeat what they said. And when they did, I only had one reaction.


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