chapter 10

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*Taehyung's point of view*

After Hyunjae and Jihoo left I went to my room then immediately got a text from Jihoo.

Jihoo:you thought that video would make me break up with her.

What video?!

Me: what the hell are you taking about?!

Jihoo: don't play dumb with me

I didn't bother to reply to him then put my phone on the bedside table and lied down on my bed looking at the ceiling.

Did he mean the video where Hyunjae was drunk? But that couldn't be because I didn't even show him the video and of course Suga hyung and Jungkook wouldn't do that, but who would?

Nobody would've touched my phone plus I have a password and the only one who knows my password is Hyuna but I was too lazy to change it.

I rubbed my forehead thinking, wait......Hyuna used my phone yesterday at the barbecue party and Jihoo came to Hyunjae's house drunk after the barbecue party, coincidence?

I think not.

I quickly sat up straight and grabbed my phone then called Hyuna.

"Hey Hyuna"
"Hey Taehyungie" she said acting cute.

"Yesterday when you used my phone did you only call your parents?" I asked.

"Y-yeah why?" She said flustered.

"Nothing I just saw a video was sent to Jihoo in my message history but I didn't even send it" I lied to see if she will admit that she did it.

"But I deleted the message his-" she quickly shut up.

"You did deleted the message history, I was just lying to you" I smirked in victory

"Why did you do it?"
"I was just jealous that you were giving all your attention to Hyunjae and ignoring me" she said.

"You know that if her boyfriend would've broken up with her because of that video then she will spend time with me more right?" I smirked before hanging up.

*Hyunjae's point of view*

Next morning I woke up at 12 o'clock and wasn't in the mood to make breakfast so I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen then opened the refrigerator and saw a huge red
velvet cake in front of me.

It had vanilla cream on it and was decorated nicely. My mouth started watering and I could hear my stomach growling, I just love red velvet cake.

I took it out of the fridge and placed it on the kitchen counter then grabbed a fork and started eating straight away from it.

After I've finished like half of it I noticed a note on the floor

"maybe it was stuck on the cake but fell out when I took it out from the fridge" I said to myself before putting the fork in my mouth and grabbing the note from the ground and reading it.

It said....
To Taehyung and Hyunjae:

"I made this cake for my friend's son's birthday party so
please don't eat it and keep it in the fridge"


The fork fell out of my mouth to the ground "I'm in some deep right now"

The front door opened and Taehyung walked in throwing his bag in the corner then sitting on the couch turning on the T.V.

I looked at him with a mischievous smile before cutting him a big piece of cake and walking over to the living room.

I won't be in trouble by myself.

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