chapter 11

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Yesterday was really weird, I don't know why taehyung took care of me like that and the two strange moments we had, what was that?!

I couldn't sleep properly because of thinking about what happened yesterday but mostly because I had to go to a new school tomorrow and didn't know anyone there.

When I was about to fall into deep sleep the maid woke me up for school.

I groaned in frustration before getting up, when I stood up I winced in pain remembering that I sprained my ankle yesterday so I walked slowly grabbing my uniform then going into the bathroom.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth and hair then tied my brown hair in a pony tail. I wore my new uniform which fits me perfectly then decided to wear some makeup to look good on my first day in a new school.

I put on some eye liner and mascara then pink gloss on my lips.

I got out of the bathroom and wore my shoes carefully to not hurt my injured leg then put a little perfume on and grabbed my bag then exited my room.

I limped down the stairs since I couldn't walk properly then
entered the kitchen and saw Taehyung there eating breakfast.

He immediately stopped eating then looked from my leg to my face.

I'm so mad at him right now I can't even look at him.

I cleared my throat then limped to the fridge and got out a juice box and started drinking from it.

Both of us were silent for a little while before he broke the silence "does your ankle.....hurt?" He asked.

"No" I lied bluntly then we both fell in awkward silence again. I couldn't take it anymore I had to say something.

"how about we just keep our relationship professional?"
He looked at me confused.

"You are not forced to talk to me nor like me, when our parents are around only then we can pretend to like each other but what's the use now? Even if you hated me didn't I at least deserve the truth? I don't think I can ever trust you" I said truthfully "We just have to go with it until our parents get over this arranged marriage then we won't have to see each other ever again"

"Why are you mad?" He questioned.
"Why don't you ask Jihoo? Since you too are very close" I threw the juice box in the bin then petted the puppy, who was sleeping on the floor, on the head before walking out the door.

Suddenly a tear rolled down my face

"No, I can't cry, then my face will get swollen and I can't let people see me like this" I quickly wiped off the tear then stopped in my tracks

"Wait, I don't know the location of the school"

*Taehyung's point of view*

Why is she being like this?! It's not my fault her ankle got hurt!

Wait, I don't think she's angry about that.

That thing she said about Jihoo....does she know the truth?! She can't cause I
didn't tell her and of course Jihoo wouldn't tell her unless he wants her to dump him.

I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. The moments we had when we were running and suddenly fell and at night when I caught her when she was about to fall.

I don't know what got into me, it was really weird. I must have been really sick or gone crazy.

Eh it didn't really mean anything.

I grabbed my backpack then walked out the door and into my car. When I was about to start driving my phone beeped, it was a text from mom.

Mom: take Hyunjae to school with you because she probably doesn't know the way.

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