chapter 23

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It was now 11 AM and I was in the kitchen making breakfast for Taehyung.

After waking up from accidentally sleeping on the chair in Taehyung's room I told the maids not to wake him up for school since I don't want him to go to school with a hangover.

And since it was partly my fault I decided to skip school and take care of him.

I made him some pancakes and set them on the table before pouring orange juice in a cup and also setting it on the table.

A few minutes later I saw him walk down the stairs. He looked tired and he ran his hand through his messy hair.

"Good morning oppa" I smiled trying to act like nothing had happened yesterday "I made you breakfast."maybe this way can make he felt better..

He looked at me confused probably at the fact that I just called him oppa but more at the fact that I made him

He sat on the table and began eating without saying a word.

Suddenly the front door opened and Taehyung's parents walked in. They stopped talking once they saw us.

"Why are you kids not in school?" His mom asked.

"" I looked over at Taehyung then back at them
"I-I wasn't feeling well,so I decided to skip school and Taehyung wanted to stay and take care of me"

I didn't want Taehyung's parents to know that he was out drinking and get him in trouble.

"Oh dear how are you feeling now?"
"Don't worry I'm feeling better now" I smiled.

"Oh good cause we wanted to discuss with you guys something" she said before walking to the living with us
following her.

Taehyung and I sat across from where his father and mother were sitting. I saw the puppy sitting beside the couch so I picked him up and put him on my lap to pet him.

"So as you already know.." Mr.Kim started "Taehyung is leaving for college after school ends"
I sneaked a peak at Taehyung who had a poker face.

"So Hyunjae's parents and we decided to have you kids' wedding right after school ends and before she leaves
because she will be leaving after she finishes school by 2 days"

"Wow" Taehyung scoffed "so I would only be able to stay with her for the wedding, we wouldn't even go to our honeymoon"
I stayed quiet bowing my head.

"I can't believe this" he said before getting up and going upstairs to his room. I jumped a little from the sudden sound of his bedroom door slamming shut.

"Don't worry honey, he must be sad that you're leaving but he'll get over it eventually" his mother assured.

"I hope" I mumbled.

"Ok so" Mrs.Kim completed "we had already picked out the place and everything but the only thing left is your dress"

"Don't you think it's a little too early to start preparing?" I asked.

"Nonsense dear, we want everything to be perfect that's why we want everything done on time" she said

"your mother is flying back today and the three of us will go dress shopping!"


"Yes! So go get dressed" she replied.
I went to my room and put on a baby pink sleeveless dress that reached my mid thigh then wore my white heels. I also brushed my hair and put it in a bun.

After I was done I got into the driver's seat of Mrs. Kim's car. They drive to the wedding dress store took about 30 minutes but we finally reached.

Taehyung's mom told me that we will be meeting my mom there.

As we entered the store I was met by the smell of perfume. It had white themed furniture and walls and flowers on every table and counter.

After my mom got here we started searching for dresses.
"It looks plain" my mom said as I tried on the 11th dress.
"Ugh can't we come another day? Im tired and hungry!" I whined.

"No we have to find you a dress today" mom replied.
"Ugh fine" I said scanning the other dresses when one in particular caught my eye "what about that dress?"

A women that worked in the store brought me the dress and helped me put it on.

It was a beautiful lace mermaid like dress that was tight from the top and flowy from the knees under.

I looked at myself on the full length mirror that covered the entire room we were in. The dress hugged my figure beautifully.

It was just....perfect.

From the corner of my eye I saw my mom and Taehyung's mom wiping their tears.

Geez....mothers can be so over dramatic.

It was in that moment that I realized that I'm getting married. I know that I should have realized that before but when I saw myself in a wedding dress it just hit me.

Holy I'm getting married.

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