Chapter 44 - Talia

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Ch.44 - Talia

Talia stared at the blue plus sign on the pregnancy test in disbelief.

How can this be? We're always so careful!

But the proof was right there before her. She and Charlie would be parents again. Carter would be a big sister! A rush of adrenaline shot through her body and her hands began to tremble. Talia set the test down on the sink.

Running her fingers through her hair in an effort to keep them busy, Talia's thoughts lingered on Carter. How would she feel bringing a new baby into the house, she was only a baby herself! Her children would be so close in age, Carter wasn't even a year old yet. Was that good or bad? Growing up an only child, a sibling, either younger or older, had been something she'd dreamed of since she was a little girl. But her parents always said they were content with just one. Still, the thought of having a brother or sister to share her life with, especially after her mom and dad had passed away, greatly appealed to her. Maybe she didn't get to have a sibling, but she always knew she would give one to Carter. But now?

Talia closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, vaguely aware of Winston as he wandered over and sat at her side. How would Charlie feel once he found out? They hadn't planned on having a baby right now, not when they were still trying to get Charlie's business off the ground, and certainly not with Enid in the hospital! Even if the timing wasn't perfect she'd have to tell him today, as soon as she finished helping Jackson. This was too big a secret to keep.

Talia stared at herself in the mirror, the shadow of weariness underneath both eyes. If she thought she was tired now, just wait...

I'm going to be the mother of two.

The corners of her lips tugged upward. There was a baby growing inside of her, another little piece of Charlie. How could she not be ecstatic? Talia shook her head, trying to hold in the tears that pricked against the back of her eyes. Charlie would be happy, too. He would have to be happy. He was a good man and he loved her and Carter more than anything in the world. He told her all the time. Having another child right now hadn't been the plan but sometimes the best things in life happened all on their own, without all the over-thinking and worrying to mar it. Besides, there was no turning back now and she didn't want to. They would learn to adjust, just as they'd done with Carter, once the shock wore off.

What about Enid? Maybe the news of a baby would be just what she needed to wake up and come back to them. Her mother-in-law would be thrilled. She had always told her she'd wanted a big family, but Charlie was the only child she had been able to have. Talia couldn't wait to tell her she would be a grandma again!

How exhausted Talia had felt lately and it all made sense now. Why hadn't she ever considered this possibility before? When she'd been pregnant with Carter it took every ounce of strength she'd had just to climb out of bed in the morning and plop herself down on the couch. Then after the fatigue finally wore off, she'd cleaned like a crazy person, scrubbing and dusting at all hours of the day and night. Charlie thought she was nuts! Maybe that's why she'd been so hell-bent on finishing Enid's house up for her?

Oh, who knows and who cares. All that mattered now was that she was having a baby, and planned or not she couldn't be happier.

But she needed to focus. Jackson was expecting her in a few minutes and she needed to complete what she'd started. The idea of taking him out on the air boat now seemed like such a chore, but she would do it so Charlie wouldn't have to. He had his hands full enough as it was, the last thing he needed to do was add one more burden to his list. Helping Jackson get his photographs was the least she could do, and the sooner she took him out the sooner she'd finish and could get back to the hospital where she belonged.

"We'll see your daddy soon enough, and your big sister, too," Talia promised, placing a hand on her stomach. "We'll tell them all about you and I know they'll be so happy...just like I am."

At the sound of her voice, Winston thumped his tail against the floor of the bathroom. Absentmindedly, she reached down and ran her hand alongside his head, his pale fur soft as it slid between her fingers. "Another baby in the house," she finally said, looking down at him. "Think you can handle another little person tugging at your ears?"

Winston's tail smacked the tile once more and he leaned into her leg. Talia bit her lip, trying to contain her growing excitement. A baby. A baby. She just couldn't believe it!

But she felt a nagging sensation, something she couldn't quite put her finger on, but the knot in her stomach told her something was wrong. Her thoughts immediately went to Enid. Were things going alright at the hospital? Had the doctor removed the breathing tube yet? She knew if there was a problem Charlie would call her right away. Reaching into the back pocket of her khaki shorts, Talia pulled out her cell phone and checked for missed calls. She could just call him before she left the house to make sure everything was okay. Talia bit the nail of her thumb and contemplated what to do. What if the doctor was in the middle of working on Enid? She didn't want to interrupt that. No, it was best just to wait. Helping Jackson get a few pictures wouldn't take very long, she'd be back at the hospital in no time.

Talia pulled her brown waves into a pony tail and gave her reflection one last look before heading toward the door. Winston followed closely after her. "I won't be long," she promised, giving him one final pat. He let out a whine as she closed the door behind her.

Gray clouds slowly made their way across the sky and with a sigh she realized Jackson was heading over. Their eyes met and he gave her a wave.

"It's not supposed to rain," he said, looking up at the sky. "At least, that's what my weather app says. What do you think?"

"These clouds don't look too bad. Even if it does rain, it'll probably only be a few drops. We normally get a quick shower every afternoon and there are ponchos in the boat just in case we need them." She shrugged. "I can handle it if you can."

Jackson smiled. "I think I can handle it. You're sure you don't mind doing this, right?" He pat the leather bag draped across his chest. "I have everything I need this time and I have our entire trip planned out. It won't take long for me to get what I need--what I came all the way to Florida to do."

"I don't mind. Really. I'm happy to help out."

"Thanks, Talia." An odd mingling of wariness and amusement flickered in his eyes. "I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hello and thank you for reading Secrets and Lies! If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a vote/comment.

Ahhh! Talia's pregnant but the timing couldn't be worse! I have a feeling Jackson has plans for her.

Just a quick thank you to those who signed up for my Rafflecopter giveaway. I'll be sending one lucky winner a $20 Barnes & Noble gift card! Don't worry, it's not too late to get in on future giveaways. Just pop on over to my profile page and click the link at the side to sign up for my mailing list (I'll also include the link in the comment section below). I'll be hosting all sorts of giveaways in the very near future!

I'm hoping to have the next chapter up by the weekend. Have a wonderful day! :)

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