Chapter 45 - Charlie

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Ch.45 - Charlie

Charlie thanked the woman at the cafeteria counter as she handed him the hot Styrofoam cup. The smell of mocha lingered in the steam and he raised the lid to his lips and took a sip, feeling his arm scream in response. His shoulder had been throbbing all day so he set the drink down and gave his muscles a stretch before taking another swallow, dodging Carter's little hand as she reached for a taste.

Despite the pain, he enjoyed the warmth of the beverage as it slid down his throat. Hospital coffee wasn't the best, but he'd certainly had worse, and right now he needed caffeine in the worst kind of way. Carter reached again for the cup and he smiled down at her. "You don't want this, baby girl. It'll stunt your growth." Carter continued her pursuit with wide, interested eyes forcing Charlie to finish his coffee in a rush.

"You're persistent, I'll give you that." He chuckled. "You're mom would murder me if I let you have a sip."

"Will the family of Enid Wilson please return to the ICU?" a female voice boomed over the intercom system.

Charlie tipped the cup to his lips, making certain he drained every last drop, and threw the empty container into the closest trash bin. Carter whined in protest as it disappeared into the garbage.

"The doctor must be ready for us. I hope your grandma's ready, too." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Let's do this."

As they walked down the long corridor that lead to the elevators, Charlie said a silent prayer. When the tube comes out, please let Mom breathe on her own. And whatever damage that's been done, whatever the tests show, we'll deal with it. We'll get her all the help she needs. Just please...don't force me to say goodbye. I can't let her go.

Charlie pressed the button to the elevator and patiently waited for it to return to the floor. When the doors finally creaked open, several passengers rambled out, each one rushing off in opposite directions. Charlie stepped inside and kissed Carter on the temple. He pushed the button to the third floor and the big steal doors shut, tuning out the noises from the busy hallway.

A soft melody played overhead. There were no words, just a quirky instrumental he recognized from his youth. The memory of his mother humming along to the song while watching American Bandstand hit him so hard he sucked in a breath. He remembered sitting at the kitchen table as a child, his Robocop action figures in hand, while his mom washed the dishes to the sound of Dick Clark on the small television perched on the counter. What he would give to see her happy and carefree again, like she didn't have a problem in the world.

The elevator lurched upward and then slowed to a crawl. Charlie glanced at his watch. "At this rate we'll get to Grandma right around your first birthday."

Carter squealed in delight as Charlie's fingers tickled her side. The elevator inched its way higher when suddenly the lights inside flickered and they jerked to a stop. His heart dropped in his chest. "No, no...not now!"

Standing in pitch black, the baby began to squirm in his arms. Charlie felt for the buttons along the wall and pressed each one frantically, hoping the small lift would come back to life. "Come on..." He slammed his fist into the door. A sharp pain radiated up his arm and he flinched.

Reaching into his back pocket, Charlie pulled out his phone. "Damn it," he whispered to himself. "No bars." He held up the lit screen, allowing the glow to illuminate Carter's face. Her eyes were wide-open, the black of her pupils so big they nearly covered the blue.

"It's alright, don't be afraid." Charlie soothed her in the most pleasant voice he could muster. "We're going to call for help. Someone will get us out of here."

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