Chapter Five

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My Husband's Lover
Nhica Moico

They don’t know about us, they don’t know about it
Even though I act my worse
They Don't know About Us, Chris Brown

Chapter Five

Jace didn’t know what had happened the other night, for as he was really drunk. I didn’t talk about it with him, because I knew that he will think I’m lying. He didn’t seemed to remember when I put him to bed, when I dressed him.

He continued not to interact with me, and so I left him alone to himself. Later that night when he went out without telling me, I heard a knock. I got up from the couch and turned the TV off. I opened the door to see Jace’s parents’.

“Good evening, Mr and Mrs Johnson” I greeted, politely. “Come in” I said, gesturing them inside.

They went inside and examined the room, as if it was their first time to be in the house. Mrs Johnson turned towards me and smiled. “The house looked amazing”

“Yeah” I smiled, back.

“Jace decorated everything, he didn’t want anyone else touching the place unless it was him” she recalled, and gave a little laugh.

“Really?” I asked, amazed. I had never thought that Jace liked designing, he had a good eye for these kinds of things.

“Yeah. He completed a bachelor of design but he chose to take over the company since he was the next heir. And until then, the next heir will be your children” Mrs Johnson said, hope in her eyes.

I felt so bad that I couldn’t tell her that I was only here for a year and a half, and then I will be going.

“Here” Mr Johnson said, and reached a hand out. In his hand, there was an envelope, he gestured for me to take it. I opened it and peered inside the envelope.  It was two plain tickets, for us to go for a vacation.

“What’s this for?—“ I trailed, looking at Jace’s dad.

“It’s for you and Jace. A present from us, so that you can have your honeymoon.”

“But—“ I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t even know what Jace would say. “But, Jace doesn’t know Mr Johnson”

He grinned, “Please call me dad. You married our son for our sake, Amy. It’s a thank you present as well”

“Oh, wow” I said, stunned.

I thanked them, I didn’t know for how many times—only goodness know how much. I kissed both their cheeks, and hugged them.

And Jace chose that moment to walk in on us.

“What’s going on?” he asked, surprised to see his parents’.

“We bought plane tickets for you two, so that you can have your honeymoon” his dad, answered.

I casted my eyes down, not wanting to look at him. My happiness turned into anxiety. I didn’t realized that Jace might get angry, it was so selfish of me.

“Honeymoon? Dad, we got married by force” he recalled.

“I know, Jace. But whether you like it or not, you will be spending your entire life with Amy now”


Jace’s parents didn’t know about us? They didn’t know that I was only staying for a year and a half, and then I will have to leave. I looked up to give Jace a blank reaction, but he wasn’t looking at me.

Instead, he was looking at his parents’ as if they had lost their minds. “But dad, I thought…..?” he trailed, looking expectantly to his parents’.

“No buts, son. You will go with Amy, and the flight was booked tomorrow. So don’t forget, tomorrow.” He rushed to his wife’s side and took her elbow and led her away. We heard the door shut and Jace’s dad, started the engine.

That only left us once more, Jace turned to me. I didn’t see him, but I felt eyes looking at me. My palms started to sweat and my fingers started fiddling with one another. I had that thing since when I was a kid, whenever I was nervous.

“Did you planned all this?” he was outrageous. I sunk back under his gaze.

“N—No” I stuttered.

“Then who did?” he asked, hatred shown on his eyes. Jaw tight.

“Your parents’. They came in just after you came it and dad gave me the envelope showing the tickets” I squeaked.

He sighed, loudly. I smelled the stench of man cologne in him and alcohol. He wasn’t drunk, but it looked like he had a few drinks as well.

He let go of and ran both his hands up into his hair, frustrated. It took him a great while before he spoke again, “I guess we have to go to that stupid trip” he said, quietly.

I was shocked that I had the urge to ask him again, if he actually said that. Not wanting to annoy him farther, I nodded and stood like an idiot in front of him.

“Get pack, were leaving tonight” he growled and stormed off.

After a few minutes, I heard his door shut. I leaped up, so happy that I could have went up to the moon. I returned to my room and grabbed my suitcases under the mattress and stuffed my clothes and personal things inside.

Jace burst in, and growled at me. “Hurry up! We don’t have all night, we need to catch the plane” I grabbed my other things and jammed them inside the bag and tried to keep up with Jace’s pace.

We descended the stairs and outside, a black Suzuki car was parked just in front of the house. The driver got out, and took our belongings and threw them at the trunk. I settled myself next to Jace and the chauffeur started the car in the cool silent night.

The journey on the way, was silent. No one seemed to talk, and soon we were at the airport. Jace got out and walked ahead of me, he have always done that.

Falling behind, I collided with one of the flight attendants. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I said, not meaning to hurt her. Something dropped at the floor, and I immediately picked it up and handed it over to her. The lady just glared at me, and walked away.

I turned back around to catch up with my husband, and clumsily made my way to his direction. Our flight was a few hours ahead and I waited impatiently.

And then a woman’s figure loomed before us. I stared up to see the girl that must be Jordan, and I felt a hard blow hit my face.

Tears pricked at my eyes and they silently ran down my face. “Jordan” Jace, beside me whispered.

“I thought you weren’t with her anymore?” she asked, angry.

“I can explain—“ he said, trying to reach for her hand but she stayed out of his gentle grip.

“There’s nothing for you to say, Jace. This bitch took your away from me!” before I could prepare myself and before Jace could grip her hand, it landed once more in my face.

I stood rigid. I didn’t know what I had to do, so instead I sat there, like a stone. And then I caught something Jordan said.

“What did you say?” I asked, looking at the girl.

“I’m Jace's fiancée”

Here it goes, my sweet lovelies who have supported me since the first journey! :D I hope you like it and this chapter might came a shock but keep in touch with the next chapter :D Don't forget to comment, and vote! 


Nhica xx

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