Chapter Eighteen

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My Husband's Lover
Nhica Moico

Feeling my way through the darkness
Guided by a beating heart
I can't tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start

They tell me I'm too young to understand
They say I'm caught up in a dream
Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes
Well that's fine by me
Wake me up, Avicii

Chapter Eighteen

"Doc!" I yelled. 

I pried my fingers off his grasp and bolted for the door when he caught me. My knee kind of gave way and I fell on top of Jace. He grunted and coughed a few times, and I stared horridly. “I’m so sorry!” I said, trying to get myself off him.

I didn’t realized that his arm had snaked behind me and held me by the waist. I was too caught up with how he grunted painfully when I fell on top of him that when he lifted his head up I felt his lips brushed against mine.

I gasped, taking in what was happening. My hand roamed up his chest, it felt good to finally touch him. After all the years I had been waiting, I was finally doing it.

Jace’s mouth trailed to my ear, down to my cheek where he kissed me softly. And then I felt his soft luscious lips on the side of my mouth, and I couldn’t hold the soft gasp that came out of my mouth.

Jace pulled back, and stared at my eyes. Waiting for my answer, searching it. When he seemed to find one, he trailed his lips once more to my jaw, chin and then to my mouth.

My heart was pounding so hard, that I thought it might come out. If that was even possible. My lips parted against my will, and my eyelids fluttered close. Before I met his parted lips, a knock on the door interrupted us.

The door swung open, revealing the doctor. I jerked away from Jace, and composed myself once again. My face turned red, embarrassed to him walked in on us. He cleared his throat, and stood awkwardly. Not sure whether he should leave or consult the awake patient in the bed.

Being the doctor won him over, and I was glad to focus myself once more in Jace. Not his lips, not how it felt against mine as I parted my lips against his. I shook my head, and tried to think of something else.

I turned my attention back towards my husband’s direction, and watched as he stared at the doctor with a funny look on his face. I wonder if the doctor was right, whether he might have the amnesia he was talking about since he bumped his head pretty badly.

What is wrong with you? I asked, myself. Why couldn’t I stop myself from thinking about how his lips felt against my mouth, how soft it was? Now wasn’t the right time to think about this, I need to think about Jace. He suffered a lot injury, he had gone through a lot of pain.

Even if he didn’t need me, I want to be there no matter what. Jace was nearly killed by that car accident, and I could have lost him if it weren’t for the fact that someone had put him a hospital straight away.

My priority should be on him, focused on how he will heal. I wonder if he would be ever the same If he lose his memories. No, I wouldn’t. 

The days had dragged on, everyday Jace made some improvements. The doctor had said that he did definitely had the amnesia, but there might be some memories that he could remember. I tried my best not mention about the passionate kiss we shared.

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