Chapter Seventeen

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My Husband's Lover
Nhica Moico

Oh, almost, almost is never enough
So close to being in love,
If I would have known that you wanted me,
The way I wanted you
Ariana Grande, Almost is never enough

Chapter Seventeen

 After I had coffee with my friends, I went back to Jace’s room and didn’t realized I had dozed off. I felt someone shaking me, and I looked up groggily. The doctor was smiling down at me, and shaking my shoulder to wake up.

“You should take a rest, Jace won’t go anywhere” he said.

I refused to leave his side, I wanted to be here when he wakes up. “Are you sure he’ll be okay?” I asked, hovering around him as he checked Jace’s pulse and all sorts of things that I didn’t know.

“Yes, it might take a few hours for him to wake up again, but when he did you need to call me” he said. I nodded and went back on sitting by the uncomfortable chair beside Jace’s bed.

I wrapped my arms around myself, watching him as he sleep. He didn’t made a move since he got here. His parents came after about an hour and told me to take a rest. I shook my head, but thought about it. I hadn’t been home since he was here, I decided to go back to the house and take a shower.

I changed into a light blue cotton shirt and shimmied my skinny jeans up to my hips. I rang the driver that had always been there when I needed a lift, and asked him if I could have a ride. He agreed immediately and I waited outside. He arrived a few minutes later and we stopped by at the flower shop and I bought a flower as a “get well soon” present for jace when he woke up.

I placed the massive vase by the brown cupboard next to his bed, and came back sitting on the small chair. Mrs Johnson was there, watching me as I made myself comfortable.

“You know, my son’s lucky to have you Amy” she said. I whirled around to see her smiling, having that proud mother look on her face.

“Thanks, Mrs Johnson” I replied.

“I told you to call me mum. You married my son that makes you as my daughter-in-law” she insisted, her brow turned into a brow.

I smiled, and nodded. “Mum” I tested the word in my mouth, it felt natural saying it. She smiled and nodded, and made some phone calls on her phone.

I went back to staring at my husband’s lifeless form at the moment, trying to memorize the structure of his face. How his perfect nose looked cute, how he looked when he was asleep. His breathing even, his chest rising up and down calmly.

“Amy, sweetheart. I need to do something important, do you mind looking after Jace for a few minutes?” she asked.

I nodded, and said “Of course”

She patted my arm, and went. I was left alone with Jace, and I just realized that this was the first time that I was actually alone with him. Him not spitting ugly words at me, I quite enjoyed it.

Just as I was about to lie my head down on the mattress, I saw his fingers moved. I thought it was just a flicker of a movement that made me think it was him, I shook my head slightly and told myself that it was me imagining since I hadn’t had a few sleep.

But no, I was wrong.

This time, Jace groaned a painful groan. I bolted upright, awake than I had ever been.

“Jace?” I said, and held his hand. His large hand felt right in mine, our hands fit perfectly.

“Jace?” I repeated.

I gulped and maybe just imagined the whole thing, when I felt his fingers tightened around mine.

 I stared up to see him looking at me. His green eyes burned into my soul. 

Here is Chapter Seventeen Guys! ;D Woo hoo, I'm nearly on 200 votes so please keep on voting and commenting your thoughts into that comment box down the comment line. Anyway, next chapter will be sort of for Jace-Fans if I say so myself. There might be some grammatical errors here so yeah, it's unedited. And please don't hate me just because I write the chapters short and I'm trying my best to write my ideas into words :)

Anyway, as usual Vote and Comment :D


Nhica  xx

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