Chapter Twenty Four

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My Husband's Lover
Nhica Moico

 You'll always be a part of me

I'm part of you indefinitely
Boy don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby

Always Be My Baby, Mariah Carey 

Chapter Twenty Four

“Are you okay?” Vincent asked me, rubbing my back.

I was puking, and I didn’t know why. It must be the food I had eaten with my dad. I must have caught a bug or something, but I didn’t want to alarm him off. “I’m fine” I said, washing my hands.

It was after school, and I was usually hanging out with him and Ashley. My best friend was waiting for us patiently as we got back to her room. We decided to crash to her house since we always go out.

“Are you sure you’re not sick?” she asked me when we sat down.

I gave her a smile, “Yeah. Fine, might just a bug or something”

She didn’t looked convince but let it go. I distracted myself and did homework, I was about to work on my biology homework when Ashley said something that caught my attention. “What did you say?”

“I saw Jordan yesterday, with Jace” she said, looking at me sadly.

It wasn’t a surprise. I was used to hearing about Jordan and Jace, and I had always tried to wave it away like I was doing now.

“You can’t let him do that to you” Vincent said, voice firmed.

“It’s okay, Vin. It’s really no biggie”

“Of course, it is. My brother’s being an asshole to you and look what he was doing. He’s doing some shitty stuff with that slut and goodness only knows what. My brother doesn’t deserve you, Ames”

That was really a nice thing of him to say, but I had been used to it. The thought of him and Jace doing something else that I didn’t want to think about sent heart pain in me. I didn’t want to feel like this anymore, I didn’t want to feel like crap anymore.

I soon left Ashley’s home but they insisted on coming with me but I told them I was okay. I took a taxi home and got dropped off. Jace was home because his shoes was by the porch and so is his car.

I inserted the key to the hole, and let myself in. I went to my room and decided to do some exercise to flex my muscles. I changed into shorts and a cotton shirt, and let myself out again.

I didn’t found out whether Jace was there because I didn’t want to see any more humiliating stuff that he was doing with Jordan.

Speaking of Jordan, I ran passed her ex and did a double take whether it was him.

“Hey!” he said, brightly remembering me. “Aren’t you Jordan’s friend?”

Only if he knew, how much she hated me. “Something like that” I said. “How long did you date her?”

I knew that it was rude and weird to ask someone that, especially I only met him once.

“Five years. Why?” he looked at funny, and became curious.

“Oh nothing, I was just really curious”

We talked for a bit and I hurried off to run and to also clear my head.

Does Jace even know that they’ve dated for such a long time?

I shook my head, and focused my attention on running. It had been such a long time since I ran or did any exercise and the doctor had said it was safe and healthy to continue to exercise since I was pregnant. Not only to keep in shape, but to also for the baby.

I pounded the street for a while and did some double takes so that I could forget about my problems especially about my baby and other things that I had to think about.


Hey Guys! Chapter Twenty-Four is here. I have some good news and bad news which is you can find out about it the next chapter so yeah. hahaha thanks so much for the votes and comments guys! ;D I never thought I could reach this far and yeah. Please don't forget to check my story out "Bad Boy's Attraction" and yeah. 

Sorry it's short and unedited. Some might not make any sense.....

Vote and Comment, my hunnies.


Nhica xx

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