Chapter Twenty

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My Husband's Lover
Nhica Moico

Just when I felt like giving up on us
You turned around and gave me one last touch
That made everything feel better
And even then my eyes got wetter

So confused wanna ask you if you love me
But I don't wanna seem so weak
Maybe I've been California dreaming
California Kind Bed, Rihanna

Chapter Twenty

 "Why are you all dressed up?" a deep male voice said, behind me.

I twirled around to see Jace leaning by the door frame, wearing a white shirt that hugged his perfect taut body. My mouth dried at the sight of him looking so masculine and handsome. I cleared my head, and lifted my gaze up to meet his burning green eyes that was focused on me.

"I'm going to Sam's party, she invited us" I said, and then thought if he could remember his cousin. "You know your cousin?" I added.

He looked at me straight in the eyes, and said "I can remember who she is but it's only bits and pieces" my heart clenched, my eyes softened.

I couldn't bear the thought of Jace losing his memory again, not when it had been a few weeks since the car crash. Jace went to the appointments he was supposed to go to, and the doctor said his memories are still coming together.

It might take time, but I just needed to be patient with him.

I finished putting my gold earrings on, and walked past him. Feeling his eyes on me, I tried not to cover myself. "Aren't you gonna get ready?" I asked, quietly.

"I'm already dressed. I don't need all those stupid stuff people wear anyway, it's just a stupid party" he replied, sounding annoyed.

I whirled around to see him watching me, rather his eyes examined the black dress Sam bought for me. I knew it hugged every curves I have, but I hadn't thought of him checking me out. It should flutter me and sent butterflies in my stomach, but it didn't.

It was the fact that his eyes darkened in lust, I didn't want him lusting after me. I wanted his love, not for what he could do in bed. I averted my eyes, and busied myself.

Jace stood there, and I didn't know for how long. I finished getting ready, and added a little touch on my face.

The doorbell rang.

I turned to get the door, and smiled to see Vincent standing outside looking gorgeous and nice.

"Hey" he said, and gave a low whistle.

I blushed, and said "Stop it!"

"Ready?" he asked me. 

"Nearly. I just need to get some stuff then we'll go"

“What are you doing here?” Jace’s voice appeared out of nowhere.

I turned around to see his eyes flaring in anger, not sure why. “I’m here to pick her up” Vincent pointed at me and, Jace’s gaze landed on me.

“I’m catching a ride with him” I said, averting his eyes.

“No, you’re not” he said, firmly.

“It’s not your decision to make” Vincent replied. “She can decide for herself”

“Well, she’s going with me. We were invited by my cousin” Jace shot back.

I shook my head at the both of them, “Stop it, you two. Please” I begged.

“Yeah? Did she say that?” Vincent was angry, and I had never seen him like this before. “After how you treated her, you’re going to decide for her? She doesn’t deserve you man because you had been an asshole and a worse husband she could get”

Jace pushed him, causing Vincent to stumble back. “What, you want her for yourself?”

“What if I said yes, would that make it any difference? You just can't admit that you are a useless husband" Vincent retorted.

Everything happened so fast that I didn't know who shove who. All I knew is that I need to get them to stop. 

'Stop!" I screamed. But they didn't seemed to hear me. They continued till I grabbed hold of Jace's arm and tugged his arm, leading him away.

"Vincent, I'll see you there. Please, go!" I said, and looked back at him.

I was glad that Jace didn't complied, and our driver "Landon" was outside when I finally got him out. 

"Thanks" I said to him, and flashed him a smile.

We soon hopped in, and we were driving to the party. Jace didn't talk, so I was glad to the silence we were provided. 

Giving me time to think, and pulled myself together. I was still shaken to what happened, I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realized that we arrived at the party already. I suddenly felt nauseous and a headache crept up my head.

Landon parked in front of the house and we got out. The music was blasting, and people were scattered around outside holding red cups in their hands. Sam came out just as I was waiting for Jace, and gave me a massive hug from behind.

“Happy birthday” I said, hugging her.

“Thank you!” she squealed, and took my hand.

“Wait,” I said, looking back to see if Jace was keeping up with us. He wasn’t and he was already gone.

“He’s gone already, Amy. Let’s go have fun, forget about him”

We went inside and the loud music blasted, I kept on looking behind me and around me to see if Vincent or my other friends were here.

Sadly, I didn’t see them and I was pulled in for a dance. My body danced to the music, creating a rhythm. After my favourite song was finished I came looking for my friends, and I went to the bar first to get a drink before I went.

“Orange juice please” I said to the bartender. I didn’t want to drink again, since I didn’t know what had happen when I did the last time.

“Orange juice coming up” the bartender said, with a smile.

I waited until he finished, and added a small umbrella and gave it to me with a cute smile. “Thank you” I said, and went back to looking for my friends.

A flicker of movement crossed my eyes, and I turned around to see no there apart from the sweaty bodies grinding against each other, drunk. My face fell when I had thought it was Vincent, and decided to see where Jace was.

My head throbbed once more, becoming painful and I felt nauseous again and felt like I needed to puke. 

But before I could grab something, anything, to support my weight everything around me went black.

So Guys, here is chapter twenty. I know that it's been ages since I updated but please don't give up on this story so yeah. Hope you guys like it and the thing that I hadn't finished writing this is because Wattpad wouldn't save what I've written and I was truly annoyed. Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment as always :D


Nhica xx

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