Chapter 1

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(Before this books starts this is an idea from the new movie, Zootopia. It's an amazing movie and you should watch it. These to characters I ship so don't judge. Now let the book start!)

(Judy's prov)
"Grrr. Nick stop it with the water machine!" I said my hands on my hips. We were in our office in the police headquarters. Nick, was being himself.
"What?! It's fun!" Nick said. "
Really?" I asked. " ok,ok I'll stop." He said walking over to his desk that was next to mine. "Sooo... What are we up to now?" Nick asked. "Well there's a group of girls that are stealing boy animals." I said looking at him. "Say what?" Nick said with a confused look on his face. "Come on. We need to go and solve this case!" I said getting out of my seat and going to the door. "Here we go again." Nick said coming over to the door.

(Time skip)

(Judy's prov)

Nick and I was by the girls base. "Okay, so what is the plan?" Nick asked me. "Sovyour going to go out and distract the girls. They are going to chase you to where I am, in this alley. Then I will put them in this cage and we'll bring them to jail. Where they belong." I said. "Wait, so I'm going to be the one chased?" Nick asked horrified. "Yep. Now go out there!" I said pushing him out into the open. He then sneaked up to where the girls were talking. "Hello ladies!" He said. "Ohhh look who we have here..." A girl giraffe said. "Get him." She said to her 'minions' they then started chasing Nick. I then ran to where the cage was.

(Nick's prov)
Got to run, got to run. That was what was going on in my head over and over again. Finally I got to the point where the cage was. I then jumped on the cage and then the girls slided right in. "Gotcha!" Judy said hopping down from the roof. "Great job." I said. "You did pretty well yourself." Judy said." Thanks. Now let's get these crazy people to the office." I said and Judy nodded.

(Well that's the end of chapter 1. Hope you like!)

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