Chapter 9

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(Ps the photo doesn't mean anything it's just something sweet that I add)

(Judy's prov)

I turned around on my side on my bed. It had been a long night. I had barely gotten any sleep and when I did it was full of nightmares. "Ugh.." I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Nick was still in the hospital, I really hope he gets better soon. I got dressed and then jumped into my car and drove to the police station. When I got there I ran up to the Cheetah that was there, he was eating a donut. "Hi." I said while walking past him. "Oh! Hi Judy! Where's Nick?" He asked. "Well..... We've had some problems and..... He's at the hospital with..... No memory of who we are." I said trying really hard not to cry. "Oh my...." He said with his paws to his mouth. "But don't worry.... I'm sure he'll get his memory back." I said trying to comfort myself. "And if he doesn't..." He said. "Don't think like that. I know he will." I said turning around. "At least.... I hope he will..." I added. I then walked to my office and sat down at my desk. It felt very empty without Nick. I put my head down on the desk and started crying. I closed my eyes as everything faded to black.....

I opened my eyes. I was not in my office anymore.... I was in a white room it seemed like. I tried to feel the wall but it seemed like it just went on forever. "Am I.... Dreaming?" I said to myself. I then saw a figure walk up to me. As it got closer it looked like a fox. "N-Nick?" I asked as he got closer. I then ran up to him and hugged him. "Nick!" I cried out while crying. "Judy...." Nick said holding me. I then let go of him. "Y-you remember me?" I asked. "I guess so." Nick said with a slight smile. "Oh Nick, I knew you would." I said crying tears of joy. "Don't put your hopes up carrots, I can only remember you in my dreams, when I wake up... It will all be gone..." Nick said. I looked at him in astonishment. "Wait, so you can only remember me in your dreams?" I asked on the brig of tears. "Yes..." Nick said sadly. "No! I can't lose you!" I said crying and hugging him tight. "You won't lose me carrots.... you'll always be in my heart..." Nick said. Nick then leaned down and lifted my head up. "You'll always be my carrots...." Nick said as he leaned in and kissed me. I closed my eyes as I slowly melted into the kiss. I then heard a ringing noise  and white surrounded us. The last thing I saw was Nick's face and then I was back in my office, awake.

(A/N oh my I think I cried inside while writing this ah man)

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