Chapter 1: Phase One ✔️

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August 5, 2014
Jade walked down into her basement. Perfect. Impenetrable inside and out. She said looking around. She had spent weeks soundproofing the walls and adding guitars, a drumset, keyboard, 5 beds, with shackles attached to a wall, a microwave, and a fridge full of beer, microwaveable meals and of course ice cream. Jade chuckled to herself, time to carry out phase one of my plan. In all seriousness she was completely sane but she wants so badly to be psycho she resorted to doing to most psychotic thing ever and that's kidnapping. Phase one, get Lee. Jade thought as she went up the stairs to get out the basement.
Jade sat in her car outside a venue. It had been almost an hour since the Bring Me The Horizon concert ended. She almost began to doze off till she spotted movement coming from the back door of the venue. It was Mat N walking out, he had a backpack on his back. Well looks like I'll just have to get Mat first. Jade thought as she got out of her car. She slowly and quietly cerpt up behind Mat as he walked. 3..2....1 She pounced on Matt and put her cloth with chloroform over his face he struggled for a minute then stopped. She removed the cloth from his face and he fell back onto her wow he's lighter than I thought. She said to herself as she dragged his unconscious body to her car which wasn't too far away. She dug through his pockets, took the contents and proceeded to tie him up in the backseat and throw a blanket over him. She walked over to a few cars parked near the back and pressed the unlock button one cars headlights lit up. This must be his car. She thought and opened the door to it. She drove the car down the street and parked it not too far in an ally. She walked back to the venue lot and got in her car with Mat in the backseat. She pulled up to her house, got out, carried Mat into her house and down the basement stairs, putting him on one of the five beds securing the handcuffs onto his wrists.
Jade was in her kitchen cooking her dinner when she heard a moan from the baby monitor. Ooh, Mats awake She thought to herself and turned off the stove. When she unlocked to door to the basement, Mat was just waking up. She sat on the the bed next to him. "Hello Mat! You comfy?" She asked, Mat looked around confused but when his eyes met hers he switched into a panic, trying to free himself "Are you not enjoying your stay Mat darling?"

"Who the fuck are you? What the fuck do you want with me!" He shouted at her and tried to kick her in the face.

"Well that's not very nice now is it? I just want to be with you Mat, you and the rest of Bring Me The Horizon are my heros." Jade said avoiding Mat's attempts to kick her.

"Well, thanks for being a fan but why the bloody hell did you bring me here and where the hell am I?!" He asked still pulling at the chains.

"All in due time my love! But I'll tell you right now, you're not leaving me!" She Said like a little child swinging her dangling legs. "You are going to be my best friend!"

"HELP! SOMEBODY! HELP!!" Mat shouted and Jade laughed to herself. "What the fuck is so funny?!"

"The walls and ceilings are sound proof like a recording studio, nobody can hear you and the house next door to the right of us is empty and the house on the other side is owned by a drug dealer, either way nobody is gonna care. So, if you need anything here's a baby monitor, just tell me what you need and I'll bring it to you. When I trust you more I'll take the chains off your arms and when that happens there's beer and food in that mini fridge right there."

"People are going to notice I'm gone and they'll start looking for me. So I suggest you let me go and I won't tell anyone what happened here."

"Oh Mat, I already have that all figured out. I have your phone and I'm going to tweet, post on instagram and all your social media for you that way nobody knows your gone! That way we can hang out without anyone being suspicious!" She poked his cheek.

"You really need a new hobby. Don't you have school or a job to attend?" Mat asked

"I'm glad you asked! I have do have classes but don't worry! I have cameras set up in here so I can watch you at all times of the day." He stared at her still pulling at the chains. "Mat stop struggling. Your just going to hurt yourself babe." He gave up on struggling "Want a beer?" She asked.

"Yes, please." He said, Jade got up and got a beer from the mini fridge. She opened it and put it up to his mouth.

"I got the expensive kind cause you deserve it." She smiled "Here, I'll loosen the chain so you can drink it yourself." She did just that and gave him the beer. Phase one complete.

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