Chapter 3: Phase Three

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"Okay so tell me what I'm supposed to do again." Nia asked as they pulled up to Matt Kean's house in the mail truck we borrowed from Nia's job at the post office. "Okay, so your gonna knock on the door and tell him you have a package for him and you need his help since I HOPE that you gained his trust over this month of delivering mail." Jade said putting emphasis on the word hope."Okay. But I still need to know why couldn't you get the job at the post office? You know I hate walking!" Nia complained "We already went over this. I don't wanna explain it again. Now go!" Jade shouted and got into her place in the back. Nia reluctantly walked up to Matt's door with his mail in her hand. And knocked on his door. Matt came to the door with no pants on and looked tired as hell. "Can I help you?" He said with out even looking at Nia. "Good morning Mr. Kean, I have a package for  you but I kind of strained my back delivering something to a previous house, so I was wondering if you could help me get it." Nia said getting Matts attention. "Oh yeah sure, but are you sure it's for me?" Matt asked immediately wiping the sleep from his eyes and regaining posture "well I mean unless your name isnt Matt Kean, then no." Said Nia with a laugh Matt walked out his house and to the mail truck. Nia opened the 'door' to the back of the trunk. "Which package is it?" Matt asked looking at some of the packages "Oh it's tHIS ONE." She said as she pushed Matt into the back and locked the door while Jade kept Matt down and put him under heavy anaesthetic. Nia sent back into Matt's house and grabbed a few things she thought he might need such as clothes and the rest of his beer. Nia came out of the house with Matts keys and locked the door to his house then got back into the truck. "What,the hell took so long?" I asked as I wanted for the anaesthetic to kick in. "Well I had to get his phone." Nia said and tried to hand the phone to Jade "Now how the fuck do you expect me to take that?" Jade said as Matt still continued to struggle. "With your hands duh." Nia said and drove down the street. "Why are you still conscious?!" Jade said to Matt in an angry tone "Nia hand me the chloroform apparently Vegan here is immune to this anesthesia shit." Jade said as she struggled to keep Matt down "what's the magic word?" Nia said "Give me the fucking chloroform before the magic word we'll both be hearing is Guilty!" Jade said "Good enough." Nia said and gave Jade the chloroform cloth, she reached to grab it, but Matt bit her hand "OWWW!" She screamed, Matt got up and tried to hop out the back but Jade grabbed the chloroform and put it up to his nose pulling him back down to the ground in the process. "HELP! HEEEElllp..." Matt groaned as he slowly passed out. "I hate it when they put up a struggle." Jade said as she tied up Matt's body. "Wouldn't you put up a struggle unconscious too?" Nia asked as she got onto the highway. "Well yeah but if your gonna put up a struggle at least make sure you can acctualy get away." Jade said and sat Matt up then sat in the passenger seat.
"Jordan! Mat! You guys have company!" Jade shouted as she walked down the stairs to the basement carrying Matt over her shoulder. "Dude! Is he dead?!" Mat exclaimed sitting up trying to get a better view. "Now why would I kill my favorite member?" Maya said gently laying Matt on the bed next to Jordan "I'm giving Matt the comfy bed because he's my favorite." She removed the restrains from Matt and put different ones that were connected to the bed. Jade had a huge obsession with Matt if you couldnt already tell. "I thought I was your favorite." Jordan said sounding a little annoyed "your my second favorite, then it's Oli then Mat and then Lee." "I see how it is." Mat said and turned his head "Awe I have nothing against you Mat, you know what, my friend is totally in love with you. Id let you meet her but she'd call the cops. Oh are you guys hungry?" Jade asked skipping over to the fridge "well it depends on what you got to eat." Mat said "Well, it's noting fancy. Just some microwave meals. I was thinking of getting some sushi when Matt wakes up though." Jade said "you gonna share?" Jordan asked "That depends on if I have enough money, after all I am just a broke college student at the moment." She said taking two beers out the fridge and opening them. "Well I'm s-" Jordan was cut off by the sound of groaning coming from Matt "Oh looks like my soon to be husband is getting up!" Jade squealed and went over to Matt "w-what the fuck. Where am I! Dude let me go!" Matt freaked out pulling on the chains "Oh Matt, I'm glad your awake. Want sushi?" Jade asked running her fingers through Matt's hair. "Are you just gonna act like you didn't just kidnap me?! Let me go!" He shouted "But I didn't kidnap you. I brought you home. This is where you belong in my arms." Jade wrapped her arms around Matt's torso "Get off me! Let me go! I won't tell anyone this happened just let me go!" Matt tried to reason "I already tried that one. It won't work." Mat said "We'll get along sooner or later Matt, just wait." Jade said and got off the bed. "Well I'm going for sushi. What kind do you guys want?" Jade asked. "Just get us whatever your having." Jordan said rather politely "Will do!" Jade said as she went up the steps and out of the basement.

"We've gotta come up with a way to get put of here." Matt said tugging at his restraints "We tried. She has this place secured well." Replied Mat "yeah but there's gotta be a way to alert Oli and Lee that they may be kidnapped." Matt said "Your right but how are we gonna do that with no way to contact them?" Mat said "Well I can get out of my chains and if she ever slips up and leaves one of our phones down here, I can get it and call for help." Said Jordan taking one of his arms out of the shackles. "Dude what if she comes back down here don't do that unless you really have to!" Mat said panicking to which Jordan replied "She went out for sushi, she's not coming ba-" Jade opened the door and ran down the stairs. "Sorry I left my wallet." She said as she reached the bottom of the stairs she grabbed her wallet and left to get Sushi but didn't notice Jordan didn't have a shackle on his left wrist. "I told you dude. It just seems like she knows when we're trying to escape." Mat said "But she didn't notice. We need to find a way out of here before she rapes us or something." Matt said trying at the shackles "What are you planing to do after you get out of those?" Said a voice from the top of the stairs and Jade walked out of the shadows "Its rude to eavesdrop." Jordan said "Not when I'm in my own home, so how did you get out of the chains?" Jade said sitting on the bed next to Jordan "Well. Now if I told you I wouldn't be able to do it again." He said "well,then I guess we're gonna have to find a new way to keep you where you are." Jade said with a smirk on her face. "What do you plan on doing?" He asked "you'll see but I'll,tell you getting out of the chains doesn't mean your getting out of here entirely." Jade said standing up. "Now like I said before, I'm going to go get sushi." She ran back upstairs. "We seriously need to get out of here."
I took way too long update this so like whatever.

Listening to- Reila- The GazettE

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