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"What?" The stranger asked looking between the two of them. Ritsuna blinked at the sight of his uniform. What school had this uniform?

"Are you here for imori? Because you're out of luck, then. He just left."the teen informed opening the door a bit wider for them to see his full form.

Tsunayoshi stepped inside without the others consent and immediately took in the house that was surrounded with cardboard boxes and little furniture. "Then we can wait for him." He said taking a seat in the bubble wrapped couch."are you perhaps brothers?"

Ritsuna looked at the un-introduced teen who signaled him to come in. "No, I am his close friend".

He didn't seem bothered by the teacher rudely walking in, Ritsuna noted.

Tsunayoshi watched the other take a chair from behind a rather tall box (a fridge, he  thinks) as ritsuna takes a seat next to the adult. "Who are you?".

"Tarou sei."

"Hmm, do you know about flames?" The decimo glances at his teacher. What was he doing?

"A little". Not very useful.

"Okay, you know imori right?" Sei nodded."are you...part of the mafia?".

"No" he seemed to think over again "kind of".

Yeah that helped.
Sei noticed the others irritation "my parents are."

"Oh, what fami-"
"They're not..here"
Tsunayoshi blinked."oh".

Without warning Sei stood up." I'm gonna have to leave". He simply stated.

"Huh? Why?" Ritsuna asked.

"You wanted imori not me." And he left.

"Did I hear my name somewhere?" The said teen entered the room looking exhausted.

Tsunayoshi didn't care though. Tired or not he needed some work done.

"Ah, yes. I need your help."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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Their Decimo (khr)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ