Chapter 2

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"Ah, Sonny!" I heard my grandma chirp as soon as I entered through the door and the next thing I know; my back is hunching down and a pair of soft squishy arms are wrapped around my neck. She started kissing my cheeks and I kissed hers.

"Its good to see you too, Grandma," I said and hugged her tightly but not too tightly. Her small squishy body easily adjusted to my hug and she patted my back.

"Oh Sonny my boy, you always brighten up my day with your visit. But why don't you come and see me any sooner?" She complained and released me from her hug. I smiled warmly at her. This gentle lady surely knows how to warm up my heart.

"Now what are you talking about Gran? Didn't I come and see you just a few days ago?" I said and took her hands in mine but her left hand slithered to my cheek and pinched it hard.

"You call two weeks a few days?" She scolded in a nonserious way. I chuckled and took her hand in mine.

"OKay okay I'm sorry. I promise that I will visit more often from now on." I avowed and looked her in the eyes.

"Good, now come in Hubert is waiting. I had tea and cookies prepared because i had a feeling that you might come today." She declared and proceeded to sit in the corner of the room which held a small sitting area. she started setting the plates for me. My eyes scaned the table: the plates were arranged for two people while Gran continued to set my plates on another side.

I see.

So she still thinks that Grandpa is with her. This lady of seventy five years of age is the most beautiful woman in my life. After we lost Grandpa a year ago, it was hard for her to move on because she loved my grandfather too much. She was depressed and I worried for her so I moved in with her during my sophomore year of college and took care of her. It took her a long time to accept the reality of the situation and get over her grief.

Of course I wouldn't consider that she ever got over it. She still acts like grandpa is with her that it worries me sometimes. However, she admits that she is well aware that Grandpa died so that left out the possibility of her suffering from Delussions. Just about in my senior year of College, she requested that I admit her in a Senior Shelter because she didn't want to burden me or hold me back. Of course I was opposed to the idea but in the end I had to give in to her request. I had her admitted to the finest senior home located in Long Island.

Whenever i am lonely or sad, I always come to my Gran. She is my best friend as well as my closest confidante. I can happily say that she's the lady who practically raised me and taught me everything that I know. I suppose my humble nature was nurtured because of her careful grooming. Of course I was never a trouble child when I was small, rather I was very coy and reserved. I always had my nose in books and maps. My Grandfather was a Colonel in the US army and he had a huge library in their home. Whenever I would visit, I would immediately retreat to the library. I loved reading so much that my grandparents took me in when I got into junior high and from then on, I have lived with them throughout my adolescent years until college.

Grandpa's death was a huge loss for me as well because only my grandparents supported me when I converted. The rest of my family . . . . Well, I suppose I have been disowned by them I guess. But it doesn't make that much of a difference to me. It's not like they were cared or noticed me to begin with.

"What's on your mind Sonny?" Gran shook my shoulder. I realized that I had been staring at her.

"Oh nothing special," I breathed and sat on a chair. "So how are you feeling today Grandma?" I asked.

"The same as always I guess," she mused as she poured me a cup of tea. Ah, chamomile. Although I seriously hate this flavor of tea but unfortunately my Grandma loves it so I also have to suck it up and drink it without complain.

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