Chapter 18

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After two days, Amber and I decided to return back to Pakistan. After all, i left without informing my superior at work and Amber couldn't afford to take a leave longer then a week.

Jake helped in us getting seats for the last flight that left for karachi. Thankfully it was for Saturday so we both could resume work from Monday.

Jake wasn't happy about me leaving so soon but I had no choice. I know that I was still grieving and if I stayed here then it would be difficult for me to get a hold of myself. There was still a day before our flight. Jake requested to see me so I dripped off Amber at her friend's house, informing her to meet them well because after today, we won't be coming back. She got confused at my statement but before could ask, I ushered her out of the car and left. Jake was waiting for me at our usual meeting place at Starbucks.

"I don't approve. You should stay a little longer." He said as soon as I sat down. I grimaced. "You know that I can't. I went AWOL from work and I have to get back." I replied.

"Is it work that you are concerned of or your wife?" He inquired, raising a skeptical brow at me. I sighed. "Both." And said. "At least stay until Gran's will is out." He urged.

"I don't need to, whatever it is you can tell me later but honestly I don't care." I responded nonchalantly and reached into my pocket to take out a khaki envelop. I looked at it for quiet a while and then placed it on the table and slid it towards Jake.

"What's this?" He said while taking it and opening it. "It's the papers to my apartment. Gran had helped me to buy it some years ago when I was in college." I told.

"Yeah, but why are you giving it to me?"

I stared at him for a while: as usual, he was dressed in his husiness attire and looked as serious as ever. I'm going to miss him but it's not like we ever so close to begin with.

"I want you to sell it and transfer the money into my account later." I informed.


"Because Jake, this is probably the last time I'll come back to the US. I don't want anything to tie me down here. Gran was the last anchor who held me here but now that's she's gone, I see no reason to come back." I replied calmly.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Jake yelled and his fist met with the table. The sound of it caught the attention of the other customers in the cafe but Jake quickly composed himself. This was my first time seeing him angry.

"You can't be serious Zac. This is your home. What other reason do you need to not come back?" He hissed at me at a low voice. I sighed.

"I know but to what? I mean, you're busy in your own life, Sally hasn't spoken to me in years and our parents have nothing to do with me anymore. So I don't see any reason to come back." I said. He looked at me with guilt clear in his eyes.

"I know but give them time. They still haven't accepted you as you are." He grumbled. I smiled a small smile.

"I know but that's not my main reason. If I leave here knowing that I have a place to come back to, it'll make it difficult for me to settle with my wife. I have to now make her home my home. I need to grow accustomed to living in Pakistan with Amber." I said.

"And what about Amber? Does she approve of you doing this?"

"I haven't told her but I know she would agree with me if I did." I said even thought i wasn't so sure myself. But I know that if I would've told her then she would've told me not to take this step because then the thought of divorce would forever leave her mind and from what I can tell, she isn't ready to embrace that revelation. If she wants security that I won't be leaving her then this is the best that I can do.

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