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I wake up to the cold snow. I stand up and see other alphas and betas standing a few feet away. Other lay on the ground still sleeping. I walk to the alphas and betas.

"Morning sleepy head" Trent says

"Um hm. What time is it?" I ask


"Why are they still asleep?"

"Tess shouldn't be woken up till 6:55 then everyone at seven." Justin says I look around for her but see her no where in the snow.

"Where is she?" I ask

"Come with me" Justin says to everyone " when she wakes up by someone else. She has a bad reaction. And I don't want to get my eyes clawed out." He says.

We walk off a behind a big tree and I see her. She lays in the snow, some covering her she's shaking. She only wears a tank top and her pants. Where's her jacket it's only ten degrees out here.

Justin slowly walks to her and softly shakes her. "Tess?"

She grabs his hands so fast o hardly know what's happening. She stand throwing him over her onto the ground and puts her foot on his chest holding him down

"Thanks for the help guys" he grunts under her foot.

"I'm so sorry Justin!" She says helping him up

What the hell

"What the hell are you a sleeping ninja "Trent says voicing my thoughts.

"I. Um. Habit" she says. This is the only time ive ever seen Tess flustered. It's strange.

"It's time to wake the others" Justin says breathing heavily.

"Can you guys please do that while I help my beta?" We nod and walk off waking up the rest of the team.

Tess and Justin join us a couple minutes later.

"Okay everyone I hope your nice and energized. Because I smelled something last night and we are going to follow it" she says and we trudge off.

"God I'm hungry" I tell Trent who agrees.

I start to smell something strange. Something that stands out from the smells around me. We walk faster.

After almost 35 minutes of walking we make it to the strand smell. It's a backpack at least twenty feet up in a tree with only three branches. One that holds the backpack and two others higher up. We groan. How are we going to get up there

"Who's the lightest in the group?" Tess asks looking up and down the tree

"Um. You" someone says.

"Right. Asher, Justin, Trent, Ray, Phillip, Paul, and Sam come here" Tess says we come quickly. She arranges our hands so our arms are in a strange pattern that make a square, two side by side.

"Evan. Do you still have the jacket I have you last night?" I remember she's been walking in the could with nothing to warm us.

"Yeah" he says handing it to her. She wraps it around the tree and slowly walks up it.

"If I fall. Be ready to catch me." She's says to us. I wouldn't ever let her fall

She makes it to the branch and grabs it hoisting her self onto it making the jacket fall to the ground.

"It's a big bag" she yell down at us

" probably because this is a lot harder than finding something in a tree trunk." Jackson says

"Ready?" She asks us. Putting the backpack on her front side.

"Yeah" we yell back in unison

She pushes herself off and we brace for the weight of her body. Which I'm surprised when she lands I hardy I notice.

She sits on the ground and unlocks the backpack with the key she was given.

"Her Evan. Pass it around once you warm up." She says handing him a big jacket that looks amazing. " here are thirteen sandwiches." There are 17 in out group. "Try to pass them around so everyone gets some. Well find more."

While we pass around the food she continues to pull out different items. A compass. A icy hot bag.gloves-which she gives away-And a patch with writing on it. She smells it and I her eyes glaze over. I look to Justin whos eyes do the same and he walks to here smelling the paper and nods I walk to them.

"What you got?" I ask. Tess looks to me and turns away quickly.

"It's the sent of our base." She says holding it to me. "I think I can track it." I smell it. It smells like when you bang two rocks together.

"Awesome. Once we finish eating we can head that way" she nods at look to everyone eating and Justin munching on half a sandwich. And notice she hasn't eaten

"You want me to get you a sandwich?" I ask she shakes her head

"No I'm not hungry" she says as her stomach growls.

"I'll go find you one." I say about to walk off

"Save yourself the time and don't. I don't want a sandwich." She says sternly making me not get her a sandwich. I instead go and talk to some other alphas.

"Okay guys!" Justin says loudly as Tess puts everything into a bag "we found out camp!" People cheer "it's only 43 miles from here. If we all run in wolf form we can get there in at least a day. With four breaks. So go ahead and shit behind those trees and give your clothes to Tess"

Everyone does what he says. Taking off our clothes not to ruin them and shift. Then bring them to Tess in our wolf form. But she doesn't shift.

"I'm going to run" she says to us. We give he a questioning look-well as much as you can as a wolf "id rather not shift." She says and we take off running

She surprisingly keeps up with us.

So the game is Happening!!! Who will win? Will Tess keep her cool around Asher? Who the hell knows? Oh wait I do!

Some awesome chapters are coming soon! I hope you all love them! It makes so happy when you comment so feel free if there isn't something you like Or there is something you like I always read your comments so I will fix any problems you all have and maybe add things you want to see

Happy reading~

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