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The first thing I hear is a scream. Not just any scream. Tesses scream. I growl loudly and push my wolf faster. I come out of the dense trees and see a large man. Holding a whip. And hitting a girl tied to a tree. The poor girl is Tess. I growl again. Getting his attention he turns to me

"Oh. Well well well. Who is this your knight in shinning armor?" He asks. I notice Trevor cutting the rope containing Tess. "What a shame. I was waiting for a later date. But now is as good as ever." He whistles loudly. And tons rouges come out of the trees. They begin to attack the pack members. They scream and flee. Some aren't fast enough.

I attack the first rouge I can. Snapping his neck.  Tess stands.  And looks around. And begins to shake. Justin runs to her

"Can you do this?" He asks.

"Make sure I don't hurt my pack. Attack me if I do Justin" she says and her body convulses and changes to a giant pitch black-almost blue- wolf. A very very rare wolf. Almost all of them have been hunted down and killed because they're much stronger than a normal alpha and much more violent.

Her eyes turn black like her coat. And she starts to attack the first this near her. A rouge. Justin shifts as well and keeps his distance.

"Alpha!" A little girl screams as three rouges Corner her between a boulder and the pack house. Tess rises her head and growls loudly. And jumps almost twenty feet on to one rouge. Snapping it's spine and grabbing the other by its neck. She flings it around like a small doll till the skin breaks off and the other runs off

The pack warriors have shown up taking out the much less experienced wolves very quickly. Tesses father-who hasn't shifted and stands in the middle not being attacked- notices and shifts into a brown wolf with a large red spot. And howls.

The rouges immediately stop and run in the other direction. Leaving the person they were just gnawing on. Eight run from the same direction. Where tesses wolf stands. With five other dead rouges by her. She has blood all over her. Not all her own. Her eyes return to the beautiful blue.

She looks around horrified. Then looks up at me and everyone. She whimpers Then takes off running. Justin shifts and gets clothes from a near by bin. And hands some to me.

"Come on help me find her" he says urgently. Holding a blanket we run off following a small trail of blood. Justin ahead of me since he knows the forest.

He stops and gasps

"What?" I ask walking forward. But her stops me.

"Stay there" I do as he says and he walks behind some bushes. And comes out carrying an unconscious naked Tess in a blood spotted blanket.

"How far is it to drive to your pack house from her?" He asks as he go back to the pack house.

"about three hours"

"Our pack Doctor is injured. We have to go to your pack. She won't make it a day with out having medical help.

"Let's go then" I say taking her small body and running faster. Justin gets into a truck another man gets in the passenger. So I take the back. Laying tesses head in my lap as we speed away. Justin going as fast as he possibly can.

I look down at her blooded face. She has a big bruise on her right cheek. And a gash from her forehead to her chin. I listen for a heart beat.




I sigh. It's slow but it's there.

From Justin's speedy driving we get to my pack house in two and a half hours and rush Tess to the doctor who tells us to wait outside while they operated on Tess.

We sit in the waiting room for a good five hours. Justin and his mate left for about three of them to sleep. His mate stays and sleeps while me and Justin wait. Tesses pack is coming to mine, while she recovers. Just incase theres another attack. And so they don't leave any time soon. I'm not going to let her go so easily

Finally the doctor comes out. Her scrubs covered in blood

"She's going to be fine" I sigh with relief.

"Can we see her?" I ask.

"Yes. But she's asleep at the moment. She will wake any minute. But she's on Heavy medication. And will be loopy"

"How did she look?" I ask not sure I want to know the answer.

"Who ever she is. It's a good thing we have her. The poor girl. She's been abused for at least six years. And the cuts. She was attacked buy another wolf and she had large burns all over her." She says making my skin crawl.

I walk past her into the room where Tess lays in a white hospital gown. He eyes closed. I sit in the chair next to the bed. Justin does the same on the other side. We sit and look at her for awhile.

"So. What happened?" I ask Justin

"I was with gale. and we were. You know. And tesses father walked in. And he grabbed me and hit me. But Tess being the amazing person she is. Came in and pushed him off me. Before he could do any real damage.

He grabbed her and just beat the shit out of her. I mean. I've seen him beat her before. But when he does it bad. He usually goes in the house. But he went instantly to just pounding on her and I couldn't do anything" he says tearing up "and then he tied her to the tree and just hit her with that whip. It was like I was paralyzed. I couldn't help her. If you didn't come. She might have died" he says guilty

"What about the rouges?" I ask. "Why would he team up with them when he already has the best pack?"

"He probably knew she was going to overthrow him soon. And wanted them as back up. Because she could most Likely take him if she would try. And she has the heart of everyone and if we got together. We could take him down."

I ponder over the Thought. That's probably exactly It he was scared.

"She was such a cool kid before she knew"

"Knew?" I ask

"She didn't know the alpha was her father till she was eight."

"What was she like?"

"She always tried to hang out with me. And since I was a big kid. Or so I thought since I was 12. I never let her. Until she beat up one of my friends. I know it sounds weird that that would make her cool but it did because she did it cause he was making fun of another person"

"What changed?" I ask

"Well once her father figured out. She was gone. Just disappeared for like three years. And she was how she is now." 

"What about her moth-" I stop when I see Tess move her finger.

She jolts awake. And looks very confused. She looks at Justin then to me.


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