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Tess pov.

I wake up surrounded by warmth. I look up and see asher. Looking back at me. A smile covering his face.

"Good morning" he says in scruffy voice that makes my mouth water.

"Good morning" i say lightly.

"Are you hungry?" It's so strange being asked about hunger. Usually. I don't even think about actually eating until my knees are week from stomach craps

"No.  I don't even want to get up for another ten years." I yawn snuggling into his chest.

He runs his fingers though my hair. And kisses my head.

"You know." He says a cocky smile in his voice. "I haven't had one of those sweet kisses from you in three whole months" I stifle the laugh

"What a shame you will no longer receive any" I say stretching popping my back. 

"What? Your just going to cut me off?!" He says mocking shock

"That's exactly what I'm doing" I say getting up. Stretching my legs. "Would it be okay if I used your shower? I'll be quick, and only use cold water so I don't use up the hot water." I say and he rolls his eyes with a chuckle standing. I notice he doesn't have a shirt. I advert my eyes.

"You. Can use anything you want. You take the longest shower you want to with the hottest water. I'll make sure you have everything you want." He says coming closer to me. Close enough that if I raised my self up on my toes I could kiss his. But I don't. I instead take a step towards the bathroom.

"I'll be quick"

"Okay. I'll make you something to eat while your in there." He says leaving the room.

I go into the large bathroom and turn on the shower-that's big enough to hold at least five people. I shed my clothes throwing them into a basket that goes though a shoot into what I assume is the laundry room down stairs. and look into the mirror. My back still has cuts going down, and scars to match. Bruises cover my stomach from when my father kicked me repeatedly until I threw up twice.

Then I look to my face. My bright blue eyes, look dull. My black messy hair falls down in curls to my hips. My pale skin, most of it purple. Feels tight still. I look absolutely dreadful. How could anyone see beauty in my face.

I shake away my bad thoughts and get in the shower. It's warm. I haven't had a warm shower in very long. I sit there for a long time before washing my hair with Asher's axe shampoo and conditioner making me smell like him.

Once I finally get out twenty minutes later I look under the sink for some towels. I do find some towels but I also find a box. I pull it out and look at it. It's labeled 'Trojan ultra thin XXL'

"What the hell is a Trojan?" I wonder aloud and grab a fluffy white towel. Wrapping around myself. then realize.  I have no clothes. Well. He's probably not in his room. I can snag some of his clothes before he comes back. But I need a bra and panties! I'm sure he doesn't have any of those.  I can go without them until I can find some. But I'll be in his clothes and that would be gross! God what do i do?

I pretend to be confident in my body and make sure the towel covers me completely. And walk out of the bathroom. As soon as I open the door Asher walks into his room. Holding two plates. He almost drops them when he looks up at me.

"Um. I realized I don't have any clothes. A little to late..."

"Um. You-you um. I'll go find something" he says flustered.

He comes back a couple minutes later with a bundle of clothes. He doesn't look up from his feet as he hands them to me. I don't know wether I'm grateful, or unhappy. I mean. He's being respectful, not looking at my almost naked form. But. Wouldn't he with most girls? Is my body just so repulsive, I can't be looked at with such little cloth to cover my skin.

"Thank you" I say taking them into the bathroom.

I put on the black bra and underwear first, embarrassed that he had to get that for me. And a little uncomfortable, it's to small and I haven't worn anything other than a sports bra before. So I feel like they're just going to fall out.

I then put on the black leggings that hug my legs comfortably. And then the blue shirt that-like the bra- is to tight in the chest area. And looks like something I'd never ever wear outside of my room. But this is what I was given and I'm very grateful.

I walk back out of the bathroom. Asher sits on the bed. With two plates in front of him. He looks up at me. Smiles his beautiful smile that make the sun look like a dull Christmas light. And motions for me to sit next to him. I do.

"I don't really know what you like. So I got you one of my favorites." He says motioning to what looks like a paper thin disks Wrapped up like a burrito, with some chocolate looking spread inside with strawberries.

"What is it?" I ask taking a bite.

"A crepe" he says taking a bite

"Oh my god! this is so good!" I say taking another bite

"Yeah. And they're small and won't make you super full super fast."

"What's this in side?" I ask licking the chocolate from my finger. "It taste like heaven."

"It's Nutella." He laughs.

"I could eat this for the rest of my life."

"You can. If you want. I'll buy you all the Nutella in the world." He says smiling at me.

"I just remembered. I need to continue training my pack."

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