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Tess pov.

There's a humming in the restless summer air as it rain harshly. People talking lowly. They're scared.

So scared.

And I am too. Which makes it worse. My father is not someone id ever water to fight- although I knew it would happen eventually- and everyone in this room feels the Same.

It's six. The sun will be going down soon. So every warrior is gathered in the pack house living room. They all have told their loved ones that it is a possibility that they could die. I informed them of the possibility. I didn't want people to fight and not know the costs. Most people already knew about the possibility of their death. But they didn't care, since I am now their Luna.

It's strange. 'Luna'. I'd never thought I'd be called that. My father always told me id never find a mate. Or if I did he'd ether reject me or be abusive like he is.

But I lucked out.

Asher. Kind. Loving. Strong. Funny. Perfect Asher.

I love him no doubt. I know it seems like such a short time to love someone. But he's gotten under my skin. And she doesn't plan on getting out any time soon.

He's the main reason I'm scared. If I lost him. I don't know what I'd do. He's the only person that calms my wolf. My darkness. He shouldn't even be fighting. To risky.

That's why I'm not going to see him till the fight is over. If I see him. Or he sees me. Well make sure neither person fights. And if we don't. Everyone will lose their life's.

"Tessa. It's time" my mother says from behind me. She's standing with her mate. Paul. He's Jessica's father.

She kisses his cheek then their eyes glaze over as they. Mind link. We then make out way to the north side of forest.

"You remember how I told you our wolfs. Are evil?"

"Yes" I reply.

"You must play to that. Let your wolf go crazy. But stay in charge. Don't let her kill people that are good" I nod. Hoping I don't hurt my new pack.

"Mom. What if I have children. What will become of them?" I ask.

"You'll pass the trait. It usually goes to the girl. And. It seems. The farther down the blood line. The darker they become. So if you have a little girl. Raise her right. Teach her to be sweet and love all. But I'm sure she would with you raising her" she smiles at me. " you turned out so wonderful. Even with everything you've been though." I smile back at her then hear a loud howl.

Signaling the fight.

I don't shift until I see rouges begin to fight pack members.

My eyes turn black as my wolf takes control. I run and grab the first wolf by the neck. Snapping it. Then grabbing another. Two more pile on top of me. And I bite off their flesh as an attempt to get them off.

I begin to love the blood that pours out of them. I crave more. I don't care who from.

I step on a wolfs face and bite down hard on his neck. The taste of metallic fills my mouth. I look up and see more wolfs being taken down. Some are from my pack.

I run into the side of the rouge that's attacking Trevor I push him into a tree where he hits his head and dies instantly.

Then. I see my father. He stands in the middle of the fight basking in the blood. I'm the war.

I begin to think of the things he's done to me. Making me dread every birthday because of his present to me. He would put burning socks into a glass jar and throw it at me. He would attack me inform of my whole pack making me look weak. He killed me and my mother. He planned to kill Asher.

That gives me enough rage to run full speed into him. He falls to the ground. And when he looks up at me. His eyes get big filling with shock. But the look is wiped off his face when he jumps up and bites at my neck.

I claw at his under belly trying to push him off me. Which eventually work. I bite his ear and tear it off. Making him let out a loud cry of
pain. He scratches my face making blood fall into my eyes.

He takes my temporary blindness as a chance to latch on to my throat. I claw at him trying to push him off but. I grow so tired that I can't seem to.

He growls with joys clamping harder so he can watch me die of blood loss. Rather than a snapped neck. But he get pushed off me in a quick blur. I make my injured body and look at my mothers black wolf-that matches mine- as it growls and bites at my father.

I push down all the pain I feel and go and help her. Together we push my father into one of the pack houses brick walls making some of the bricks come off. But what's also on the wall is a breaker box. And him being soaked from the rain. He's electrocuted. His large ugly wolf. Drops to the ground never to rise again.

I look to my mom and see looks sad yet happy. I'm sure I look the same. But my happy out weighs my sad. I can have a normalish life with Asher.

We howl in unison. Alerting everyone that the fight has been won and the leader has died.

The Remaining rouges whimper and run back to the tress. I go to the middle of the field we just fought in and sit my tired body on the grass.

Asher approaches me. He's in shorts. His body is bloody and dirty. He and hands me a blanket. And I shift wrapping it around myself.

"I think you'll have to carry me back" I tell him with a slight smile.

"I will. How bad are you hurt." He asks looking me over.

"Not to bad. Just. Well maybe a little" I reply.

He puts his and on my cheek. No doubt getting blood on himself.

"No one will ever hurt you again Tess." And for once in my life. I believe him.

I grab his face and kiss him like it'll be the last kiss I'll ever receive

Although I know there are many more to come.

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