Chapter 1: Trouble at Home

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Lillianna POV

Chapter 1: Trouble at Home

"Your welcome, I'll make sure when you come back next time I have that new feed ordered and here." I yelled at Mitch as he drove off in his old baby blue pick-up.

The farm was high in business this summer, everyone had bought new cattle or horses and I was the only place to come for feed.

That and every once in a while people would come looking to rent a horse of mine for a competition. My dad had just finished training Luka and Emma before he passed away, and I never have the time to take them to competitions.

Normally I let the Wright siblings take them; I loved the smile on the kids' faces when they come back with a medal.

I sighed, sticking my hands in the pockets of my worn out blue jeans I started back for the house.

Shu was there to greet me when I opened the door; he was the cutest little thing. He was just a little golden retriever puppy; id found him a few months ago in a box next to the Shu creek. Just down the road from my home. I couldn't just leave him there, and who ever did had no heart, she was a very well behaved puppy. Granted he had gotten quite big in the months id had him.

"Hungry?" I asked him.

He barked and started spinning in circles around the door to the pantry.

I laughed at him, he was such a goon. I opened the pantry up and put a scoop in his bowl before setting it down in front of him.

He started to inhale his food.

I just shook my head at him and headed for the bathroom, it was getting to be evening I was going to get ready for bed.

I stripped off my grey t-shirt and blue jeans in my room, throwing them into the hamper before my undergarments followed.

I grabbed some soft blue and white stripped bed shorts and a dark blue t-shirt for bed.

I turned on my shower and hoped in; washing my hair was a chore. And I had done the unthinkable by wearing it down today; I hadn't realized it was going to be so windy. I tried to massage conditioner into the long wavy black mess, dry the ends sat next to my hips. I should cut it, but I would probably start crying in the middle of Lisa's beauty parlor. I'd always kept my hair long; my mother had kept it that way when I was young to.

Finally happy with most of the tangles being gone, I rinsed my hair and got out. I wrapped a fluffy blue towel around myself and another one in white on my head.

Wiping down the mirror, I grabbed a wipe and got the rest of my mascara off my bright crystal blue eyes that the shower didn't.

I grabbed my brush and headed to my room, drying myself and my hair I threw the towels in the hamper and got dressed.

I had just started brushing my hair when I head a bang, like someone had run into my wall.

I couldn't hear Shu barking, he barked at every noise.

I could feel the fear pool into my belly; I set my brush down on the bed and walked to my bedroom door. Opening it I walked through looking into the hall.

"Shu?" I called out for the jumpy dog.

I walked down the hallway into the living room. And was shocked.

A huge man with dark skin covered in scars was sitting on my couch; he had long dark shaggy brown hair and grey blue eyes.

"Who are you, why are you in my house?" I yelled.

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