Chapter 7: Now We Can Just Be

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It hurt, everything hurt. Maybe my body was finally going into shock from there beating earlier, I should have know better than to spit in his face.

This maniac was still stuck on getting me to marry him so he could have my land, saying killing me would be such a waste.

So when he got close to me trying to make a move on me I spat in his face and kicked him in the gut.

Of course I was then smacked and kicked several times in the ribs after being thrown off the bed, everything in my body hurt and I was sweating. How dare that awful man try to touch me, Alec would rip his head from his shoulders?

I lay there shaking when I heard commotion outside, what in the hell had Alec and them finally come for me?

I got a sense of hope, until the door opened. In came one of the men I hadn't seen before, he was handsome.

What the hell is wrong with me, these men wanted to kill me.

"Lilliannith" his voice called out to me.

Goosebumps rose all over my body, his voice sounded amazing. I tried moving to see if I could try and get away from him if I needed to but I groaned in pain, everything hurt.

"Lilliannith!" he quickly came toward me, I couldn't move to get away from him.

He gently picked me up in his arms cradling me to his chest as he looked me over.

He was a very handsome man. We was tall, built, his face had high cheek bones and a jaw that seemed to be carved from stone.

And his eyes, as ours met I almost lost my breathe. His eyes were a stormy grey blue, they reminded me so much of-... no.

"Alec?" my voice was scratchy but his eyes brightened.

"Lilli I've been so worried" he said as he cuddled me closer.

"b-but how?" I asked.

He smiled, "the dragon goddess came to me and Garran, and he gave us the ability to shift into humans so... so I could be with you." He said the last part very gently.

My breathe hitched in my throat.

I was so happy, but I never got to smile. I caught a shadow out of the corner of my eye, no.

"Alec!" I tried to yell out a warning for him.

Alec quickly swing around as Damian raised his gun.

Alec stiffened, faster than light Alec was busting through my bedroom window shifting on his way out.

A shot rang our behind us, we landed outside Alec had completely turned back to his dragon self. I was under him my arms still tied behind me.

'Alec I'm still tied up.' I forced my thoughts toward his.

He turned to look at me, I assume to help me.

But another shot rang out, Alec roared.

"NO!" I screamed.

Alec collapsed next to me, a hole in his side pouring blood.

I looked back at me window as Damian jumped from it walking toward us.

"You bastard!" I growled at him.

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