Chapter 4: A Plan To Fight Back

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It would have been lovely to wake up to the sound of birds and the sun coming through the top of Alec's cave, instead I woke up to Alec dumping me on the ground as she shot up the sound of a falling tree and a helicopter.

'They are near here' he said.

Turning toward me he look worried, 'I am sorry for getting up so quickly, but we need to move.'

He came toward me bowing his head and picking up the back of my shirt in his mouth, I grabbed his scale as I was being lifted tucking it into the pocket of my cotton shorts. He put me on his back right in front of his wings and walked cautiously toward the mouth of the cave, outside looked awful. They couldn't quite see the opening to Alec's cave as it was hidden in the bottom side of a large hill with trees around it, but soon they wasn't going to help us.

Men were cutting down the trees near us; Alec had made tracks in the ground that stopped before the cave in the trees. They were looking for us and slowly making there was to this direction.

"Alec, they are going to find us." I said in fear.

His head turned, he looked straight into my eyes, 'they will not touch us Lilli, and we will be long gone by the time they find my cave.'

I looked down, "I'm sorry they are even here Alec, I'm sorry you might lose your home."

He snorted, 'if it means keeping you safe so be it, remember you're my friend we help each other.'

He slowly crept from the cave his dark scales crept him hidden in the shadows of the trees as he made his way around the hill. Walking through the trees they couldn't see us from above, but Alec had to be careful not to knock into one of the trees the rustling would alert them. So we made slow progress but we were getting away from them, I saw he was trying to tread lightly and keep his claws out of the earth so he wouldn't leave tracks.

"Where are we going?" I asked after a while.

'Towards the town, when we get close enough I should be able to sniff out your land. We are going to take care of these monsters before they tear down the whole forest.' He growled out.

My heart sank, they were destroying his home. And all because of me.

"I'm so sorry Alec, I wish none of this would of happen they wouldn't be destroying your home." I sniffled.

His movement stopped, he had turned to look at me, 'I don't regret them being here, and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have met you. At first it was your eyes, brighter than any jewel any dragon has ever seen, beautiful. Then your voice, it was calming to me. You were a treasure to find in these woods Lilli, don't ever feel like this should not have happened. I'm glad it did, I have someone to look after now. A responsibility, something to do besides roam these woods for years and years.' His head moved forward to nudge me in a way of affection.

I smiled at him placing my hand on his nose, "thanks Alec." I whispered to him, and kissed the tip of his nose.

His eyes widened and he quickly started walking again, 'l-let's get on moving.' He stuttered.

I smiled at his embarrassment; he was such a weird dragon. Then again he is the only dragon I've ever really spoken to besides the red dragon; I wonder what they did to him. I zoned into my thoughts, yes the dragon tried to kill us but he didn't deserve to die by the hands of those men I can only imagine what they do to his body.

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