Chapter 3: I've Become The Target

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Lilliannith's POV

It's gotten dark, and he still isn't back. I had saw fire shoot through the clouds and loud sounds of rage echo in the sky. But it's grown silent, and he hasn't come back for me.

My legs and butt have become numb, but I didn't get down from the tree he set me in. I don't think I really could, he put my on the highest branch he could that would support my weight.

I wanted to cry out of frustration, I have become such a bay sense they dropped me out here. This was such a weird place, unknown to me and scary. I was human, in a forest with a dragon and god knows what else.

I heard the trees rustle from the other side of the river; I quickly stood on my high branch and held on to one above me. He had come back.

It wasn't him. My stomach dropped when a spikey dark red dragon came out of the trees, his large body stomping through the river toward my tree it was covered in scratches and bites. He had to be the dragon mine was fighting. His nose was sniffing the air as an evil dragon smile went across his reptilian face.

'So you are what he was hiding over here.' His voice was high and scratchy in my thoughts. A fitting voice for such a foul dragon, he radiated a feeling of evil to me.

"Where is he, what did you do?" I boldly scolded the dragon.

He gave his best dragon laugh, 'he is too weak to come here fast enough to save you little human, his new treasure shall be my new dinner.' He laughed.

I felt my knees shake; I was going to fall if my body didn't stop panicking.

I never had the chance to fall on my own, the red dragons large spikey tail smashed into the trunk of my tree splintering it in half sending me sailing to the ground.

I jumped as it came closer to the ground, the last thing I needed was to be pinned under a large branch to make an easy meal for him.

I had to get to my dragon, but I didn't know where he is. I decided trying was better than sitting here waiting to be dragon food. I darted toward the river as he tore apart the tree I had been in, I swam as fast as I could to the other side.

As I got to the other shore I heard him growl, he was on to me now.

I took off running through the trees he had come from; my dragon had to be this way if he left him weak. Hopefully if I could get to him I'd be safe enough with him, I hope he wasn't close to dead or dead. He was the only thing I trusted right now in this place, I needed him.

I ran as fast as I could, my legs were growing numb but I could still hear the other dragon behind me. He had decided to go back through the trees to catch me instead of flying over them and risk losing me. H=but he kept knocking down trees which luckily were slowing him down. His big spikey body was not made for running through forests.

I was pushing the limit to my already tired body though, and I was going to start slowing down soon. I needed to find my dragon.

I almost tripped over my feet when I heard a loud mournful roar just ahead of me, it sounded so sad and defeated.

I felt a new surge of adrenaline and worked all I could to get my legs moving faster toward my poor dragon.

I broke the trees to a small space of grass as the other red dragon got close enough to take a lunge at me, I swerved as fast as I could to the left and toward my dragon. He was laying on the ground gashes all over the front of his body and his back flank on his right side.

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