Chapter 2: You Don't Exist

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Lilliannith's POV

          It would have been lovely to wake up in a nice warm bed, would have been even better if in reality the tree I had fallen asleep in wasn't shaking to wake me up.

The shaking stopped, I used this opportunity to sit up and look around.

The forest had become completely silent, no birds singing in the early morning, no anything.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck and my arms rise, something dangerous was in this forest and very close to where I was.

The ground shook again, shaking my tree. I felt hot air up the back of me.

I went stiff, it was behind me, and it was breathing down my neck.

I felt it sniff me and tried to suppress a scream, it came closer sniffing me.

But it just knocked me out of the tree, I screamed as I fell the couple yards to the ground.

Quickly flipping myself over onto my back I looked for the creature, I screamed.

In front of me was an animal from fairytale. I was huge; if it hadn't had its neck lowered it could easily stand as tall as the trees. It had a slim face like with spiked horns coming from its lower jaw and the back of his head. His neck was long serpent like, his body was huge and covered it coils of muscle. His legs held hands with giant claws that could easily rip me and any thing around me to shreds. His wings were folded but even then looked giant; his tail was long running behind him like a long snake.

His body was covered in scales, most black in color but in spots faded to grey and silver. Mostly around his face and down his back others were in random places around his giant body.

I quickly scrambled back as it turned its head to look at me, I could see it go to step toward me but stopped. It just stared at me for a moment, it almost looked shocked.

It shocks its head and continued toward me, slower this time. I kept scrambling backwards until I hit a tree; all I could do was stare as the creature easily made its way to me.

It lowered its head to my level just staring at me, I was frozen in fear.

'I won't eat you'

My eyes about jumped out of my head, that thing. Did it just speak in my head?

I tried to test it.

'Are you speaking to me in my head?' I asked in my thoughts.

It nodded its head up and down in front of me, I felt like I was going to faint.

'You need to bathe.' He spoke again.

I glared at him, yeah smart Lilliannith real smart.

The creature took a step back, 'I-I mean your cut and bruised, a bath in the water would help them to heal and not become worse.' He sounded defensive.

"You could have said it like that, instead of sounding like you were implying I just needed a bath because I look dirty or smell." I scolded him

He looked down, 'my bad.'

I couldn't believe this; this giant creature was talking to me. Not trying to rip me apart and eat me, at least not yet.

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