Episode 8 Part 2 - Rebirth

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Last but not least, I'd like to give my thanks to caramelsmiles ! She made the first Aethernea fanart! ❤️

You can check out her cute fanart in the book on her profile, or you can find it in the list on my profile.

I am a dreamer and I dream big. So when I started writing Aethernea, I could already picture a series (Game of Thrones style B) ), an Aethernea based anime (Naruto + Hunter x Hunter + Death Note + Code Geass), merchandise (cute plushies of pechuhs & meep ). Oh, and let's not forget an action RPG game (Diablo meets Skyrim) :P

But when your wildest dreams actually start turning into reality bit by bit...the feeling is...very special. It's that same elation that you would feel if your long time crush confessed his undying love for you.

And because I am so happy with all of you guys who have been leaving me wonderful comments and voting, I decided to reward you with an extra chapter. :)

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Previously on Aethernea: 

Kiel and Elaru activate the Aetherneal bond spell and lose consciousness. After Kiel wakes up, he notices that his senses are sharper and he feels full of energy. He panics when he realizes how much the spell has changed him, but Elaru's mana manages to calm him down. 

* * *

Kiel propped himself up on his elbows and looked down on top of what he had been lying.

The realization left him speechless.

His head was right next to Elaru's, his legs on the outside of hers, her soft breasts were pressing on his chest.

Son of a...! Kiel's jaw dropped. How the...wha...?!

He quickly pushed himself away and tried to get up hastily. However, his body seemed new to him and it didn't quite follow his commands. His leg slipped on the soft mound of dirt and he fell back down, into the same position he started from.

Awkward. Kiel couldn't remember the last time he felt so awkward. Luckily, Elaru's eyes were closed and she didn't have any reaction to his blunder, which made him feel a bit better.

He was so very glad they were alone in the clearing because this predicament looked quite wrong and would certainly be misunderstood.

Their hands were touching when they were casting the spell, so they weren't that far apart. Their legs probably gave out after the spell. He most likely stumbled towards her and fell taking her down with him. 

Kiel checked Elaru's face to see if she was breathing. Even though he could feel she was alive just as surely as he could tell he was alive.

Unlike his breathing just a moment ago, her breathing was even and deep. Her eyes were still closed, most of her face was pale, other than a faint blush on her cheeks. Kiel would have thought it to be embarrassment if it weren't for the fact that he felt no trace of embarrassment in her aura. 

Was she not feeling well? He could tell she wasn't unconscious, on the contrary, she was fully aware of her surroundings. He could feel her Mind spreading around him like a blanket.

She could have pushed him off of her. That's what he would do in her place. Perhaps her body was even worse off than his? Maybe she felt a weakness in her limbs?

He noticed the cold sweat on her face and connected the dots. Cold sweat, pale face, feverish blush. Nausea? Or perhaps she was hurt when she fell back?

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