Episode 26 - Coincidence or Fate?

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I just wanted to say a special thank you to everyone who has been reading, commenting and voting for Aethernea. <3 Thank you guys for all your support. You give me the energy to keep writing day after day.

Previously on Aethernea:

Elaru reminisces of what happened 10 days ago that caused her to meet Kiel. She was searching for burrowing windroots in the canyon near Beyd. Just as she was about to teleport to Ashar, her crystal pendant lit up, pointing her towards the forest.

The pendant brings her to Kiel who is practicing magic in the forest. She recognizes him as a Rroda and wonders why the pendant is pointing her towards him.

* * *

As far as her eyes could see, he wasn't wearing any artifacts or objects of value. But if he wasn't in possession of an Aetherneal artifact, why would the pendant be pointing towards him? Is he a wielder of an Aethernea?

As far as she knew, there existed 5 different Aetherneal gifts. (Excluding Aetherneal bond which she speculated to be another Aetherneal gift, however, she was unable to confirm it.)

Impossible. She concluded. Out of the five, four would have allowed him to detect her presence in different ways. Yet he was still clueless about it. And the last one would have given him extraordinary healing rate, which, judging by the state of his fists, he didn't possess.

No surprise there, Aethernea wielders don't grow on trees.

After eliminating the possibility of him being an Aethernea wielder, she concentrated on other options. Did the pendant consider him a threat to her?

She watched the boy get pissed about something and furiously beat a tree into a pulp. She covered her mouth to stop a giggle. The boy seemed harmless, even cute. Dangerous? Him?

Alright, alright. I shouldn't dismiss the possibility so easily. Who am I to question the proper function of an Aetherneal artifact?

She continued observing him as he practiced his martial arts.

He didn't have a specific martial arts style. His style was formless and flexible. It looked like something he developed while trying to make sense of a basic hand to hand combat manual. Elaru's keen eye could tell he neither had a good teacher nor battle experience. However, from his adaptable and flawless usage of the basics, she could tell he had talent.

He has a good sense for martial arts. Pity that he had no one to guide him.

The time moved slowly as she continued watching him.

The blazing sunlight rained down from the clear sky. The tiwi hid in the shadows of the trees and chirped a relaxing melody.

The body of the boy soon got drenched with sweat. His clothes stuck to him like glue, revealing all his fine muscles. The sunlight danced on the clearing, making the sweat on his body glisten like pearls.

Elaru sighed inwardly. I wish I had some snacks to nibble on. This is going to take a while.

After calming his breathing, the boy switched to practicing magic.

And as he did so, he seemed to turn into someone else.

While practicing martial arts, he already looked like he was dancing, but now...the glittering light of magic made it seem even more ethereal. When he weaved magic, it was as if every pore of his body exuded elegance and beauty. His magic was flawless, intricate and pretty.

Aethernea : Soulbound [Book 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin