Episode 29 - Morph

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Previously on Aethernea:  

Elaru gives Kiel a new nickname - iceblock. She teaches Kiel how to cast a Morph spell - a transmutation spell that can be used to control the shape/form of objects and materials. Kiel is thrilled to find out that using transmutation magic is the same as using augmentation magic.

* * *

"So the only thing I need to memorize is the spell pattern itself. Draw it out for me on a piece of paper or something."

Elaru looked down at him for a while, standing on her tall pillar of dirt, showing no intention of drawing the pattern for him. Upon closer inspection, Kiel noticed her eyes glittering.

Aaaaand she is back to her mischievous self... "What?" Kiel's hair stood on end.

Elaru grinned. "I have a better idea."

Kiel's face fell. I don't like the sound of that...

"How about I transfer my memory of the pattern to you? Perhaps if I transfer a memory, it would be easier for you to remember it? Maybe my memories can become your memories."

Elaru jumped down from the pillar like a lunar pouncing on its prey.

"Oh no, you don't!" He remembered how she transferred her memory to him the last time - she pressed their foreheads together.

Kiel dodged to the side as if his life depended on it.

Instead of hitting the ground face first, like Kiel expected her to, Elaru flipped in the air and landed on her feet. Just like a lunar...they always land on their feet.

She looked at him frowningly. "Aren't you overreacting?"

Kiel's eyebrow twitched. He needed to find another way to deal with her. Outright refusing never seemed to work.

"I just think you should practice sending me your memories without physical contact. That would be much more useful in the long run."

Elaru's eyes brightened, and her face showed what seemed to be enlightenment. "You're right!"

Score! Kiel suppressed the urge to fist pump. Then he caught himself and realized he shouldn't be counting his clucklings before they hatched. He looked at Elaru, half expecting her to say "But..."

However, she didn't. Instead, she smiled and explained: "See, I knew it was a good idea to make you my partner. You are full of great ideas."

Kiel's mouth twitched. Why do I get the feeling you are being sarcastic?

However, Elaru didn't try approaching him again. Instead, she turned him her back, intentionally removing him from her line of sight.

Kiel stood there, not knowing what to do with himself. He needed that spell pattern. At least write it down for me. Who knows how long it will take you to...

His thoughts were interrupted when a vivid world of glowing lights appeared before his eyes. It was a perfectly clear and detailed recollection of what happened a few minutes ago.

The memory showed beautiful golden, orange, and red flames congealing into the Morph spell. He saw the embers burrowing through the earth and spreading glowing tendrils of light.

An involuntary amazement flashed through Kiel's mind. Her mana...is so stunningly beautiful...

It glittered vividly, in colors so gorgeous that everything else paled in comparison.

Aethernea : Soulbound [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now