Episode 17 - Experienced

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I did a count of the answers for what ship name to choose for Kiel and Elaru, and I am still very indecisive about it >< Top choices are Kilaru and Kiela. I also noticed some people using Kielaru.

Ah well, at least those three are similar to each other. Why is it so hard to choose a pairing name for those two? :( Elade was so easy to pick. XD

I also did a count of 2 day vs 1 day releases, and the two are pretty much tied. I'll give it some further thought before deciding. For now, the release stays the same - 2 chapters on Thursday.

Previously on Aethernea:

Kiel and Elaru have a quarrel while eating dinner, but they make up in the end. They go to sleep in the same bed, but Kiel puts a sheathed sword between them as a fence.

Nelaira managed to strike a deal with the manager of the quarantine that would allow her to send a letter to her fiancé. Elaru has a dream of when she was little and she risked her life to save two non-mages.

* * *

Saturday, 25th of August 1449 A.W.

Days until the Muni exam: 2

Kiel woke up to the morning light caressing his face. He tried to cling on to sleep just a bit more. He didn't feel like getting up. His current predicament was too comfortable, too enjoyable. It was cozy, relaxing, and made him feel...happy? Well, regardless, he couldn't remember the last time he slept so well.

The temperature was just right, and there was even a nice warm breeze tickling his neck...



Breeze tickling his neck!?! Kiel's eyes snapped open.

The sight that greeted him made his face freeze in horror.

The sheathed sword that he set up last night as a fence in the middle of the bed was still there, in the same position he had placed it in.

Which isn't a wonder considering the fact it was supported by weight from both sides. Kiel's body was pressing onto the sword from one side, he even had an arm draped over it. Elaru was pressing onto the sword from the other side. Both of them had somehow converged to the center of the bed. And the only thing between them was a thin sword. It might have as well not been there!

It's not like it helped at all! Her head managed to sneak under the sword and was nuzzling his neck and his arm was going over the sword and was comfortably resting on her back.

Other than his mother, Kiel had never hugged a female before. The entire notion of being intimate with someone (in any way) horrified him. He didn't like anyone! He didn't want to be close to anyone!

Kiel gritted his teeth, one could almost see fumes coming out of his ears.

I knew it! I knew it would turn awkward! This is why two people of the opposite sex shouldn't sleep in the same bed!

Are the gods making fun of me? Are they laughing at my futile attempts of fighting their set fate? What kind of a miserable turn of events is this?

Luckily he was the first to wake up. He didn't know how he would face Elaru if she found them in such a position. He wondered if she would be bothered by it, or if she would just laugh it off.

Surely it would be the latter. That thought annoyed him.

He carefully, steadily retracted his arm and then used it to support Elaru's head as he moved away quickly. In fact, he moved away so abruptly that he ended up falling off from the bed.

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