Your happiness is my happiness..

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Hello guys , this is my first fan fiction about QingYu.. Maybe this story will make your heart little beat hurt... I made a story little different than usual QingYu fan fic, i  want to show how much dayu love qing and can fight for qing, but it won't be long.. I hope you guys enjoy this story...
And guys im sorry if i do mistaken with my grammar and word, english language its not usual language , im on the lowest level in english but i do my best for my first QingYu fan fic.. Hope you guys can enjoy and understand the story line..

Lets begin..


Qing and dayu is a bestfriend.
They are being bestfriend since they are a kid , they always stuck together even when now qing and dayu in university .

Qing is always being popular student because of his height and  his handsome face nobody can be compared with his almost perfect body , dayu admit it. Maybe dayu the first one who admit it. Dayu just ordinary student with cute face and tan skin and  smart brain. , even if he doesn't like called cute but all his friend call he " a cute kitten " because sometime dayu act like cute kitten , sleep in the quiet place and make a super cute face when get mad.

Qing and dayu know each other so well, but there is something about dayu that qing doesn't know.


Dayu keep his feeling really strict. No body know his feeling for qing even his mom who exactly know dayu is a gay ,don't know about this.

Dayu don't want to loose qing, he ever tried to delete his feelings for qing but its doesn't work it just torturing himself and now he just accept his own feeling, maybe its been 5 years dayu realize he was in love in qing , first grade when they are in high school.

Dayu know he was a gay, his mom know it first . dayu never move with girl . and get a lot of curiosity with man and it just the only man he cares about , QING

But dayu never reveal his feeling with his mom , Qing can't feel dayu's love too because dayu acting so perfect to hide his feeling , he just being super good friend for qing and Qing do the same thing for dayu.

Dayu promised to himself that he will make qing happy and hide his feeling for qing happiness. because qing happiness is dayu happiness even if he need to hurt himself it doesn't matter for dayu as long as qing is happy , it's just because dayu love for qing is a true love.

Today qing and dayu make appointment to meet at cafe to talk about their assignment.

Kringg kringgg dayu's phone ringing and it was Qing.

"Hey dayu, im i front of your house open up the door quickly!!"

" uppss okay, one second" dayu run to open the door.

"Sorry qing i was in bathroom and nobody is home" dayu say with little laugh

"Its okay, where is mom dad and your sister?"

"Didn't i told you yesterday that my family goes to japan for 1 month? My dad have to fix his job there." Dayu looked at qing eyes intensely he really like doing it because he can make qing uncomfortable and act really cute.

"Upss sorry i forgot. Okay then, lets go now i've book table for us" qing took his hand on dayu shoulders and take dayu out.

"Okayyy wait , i need to take my laptop and book with me just wait in front house i'll go there, 5 minutes okay" dayu release qing hand and go upstairs to take his things

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