Everything Has Changed

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i really want to post it quicker, but i lost my signal for a  while .
Here another chapter, i hope you enjoy reading~
Lets begin~~~~



Dayu threw his towel to qing's head.

"Hya, what are you looking at? , i see a naked boy in your screen.. Pervert, in early morning huh?" Dayu teased qing

"Ck. Don't compare my clean mind with your dirty one" qing smirked

"Cih. How can a thief say there was a  thief?.. Stupid"  dayu sit beside qing

Qing changes his screen, dayu sit next to him.

"By the way kittieyu. Why your eyes is so swollen? Are you crying? Or someone hit you last night? " qing look at dayu intenstly he want to fix something

Like how dayu can hide all his feeling..

Is my eyes still swollen? Shit. I already compress it with hot water and its not work qing still find out! Damn!

"Hah? Oh... Im... Watching sad movie last night so im crying and fall asleep.." Dayu avoid to look at qing eyes

"Hmm... Such a cry baby.. Then what's your plan for today kittie yu?"

Qing won't remind dayu about last  night. He knows . dayu feel so fucking hurt last night. And qing don't want dayu remember those feeling.

"Can you stop calling me with cat stuff? Im not a cat for God's sake. Huh" dayu frowned

"Okayyyyyy.. Im sorry feng jian yu...... Mieow" qing laugh and keep focus at his laptop

" coward!!.. Im not going to do anything.. Just maybe i watch a movie."

"Nice choice. " qing blink his eyes

ugh what happen with this human? Is he on drug?

Dayu thought.

"What's gonna we watch today? " dayu ask qing and take a glass of juice at the table

"Like love 2 " qing smirk


Dayu  hiccup. And spurt juice from his mouth.

Oh my! What the heck is happening with qing fucking head. Why suddenly he want to watch Boys Love movie. DAMN! What if i get tu.... Oh my ... No no no.!!

"Ish. Dirty. " qing give dayu tissue

Dayu start his nervousness

"W-why..?? No no.. How did you...? I mean do you know what kind of movie like love is?."

" Certainly . gay movie.  you've mentions about it before, you asked me to watch the first movie but  i reject it right? After that i watched like love 1, and i found its kind of interesting you know.." Qing answer easily

Hell. He still remember that? And W.H.A.T! HE WATCHED IT? OMG!

"O-okay... If you say so" dayu

Qing place his laptop in a table in front of them.

don't be nervous dayu.. It just about to start..

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