Chapter One

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"April, please help your brother" Mum yelled from her bedroom. April finished tying her shoelaces and walked into his room.

"Chris , clean your room mofo. Come here" He walked over to her. And yes, even though the two were three years apart, he towered over April like a giant. He gestured to his tie for her to help him.

"New school. You excited?" April tried starting a conversation with him. She was mad that he got himself expelled again, it was his third high school in two years, but getting mad at him will only make him mad and then nothing will change. This was his final year of high school tho, so hopefully, this would be his last first day. 


"Are you going to swear?"

"Fudge is a very yum cake, ah sis? And no, schools always itshays as normal."

"Maybe Tyndale will be different? Please, don't get kicked out of this school" She was worried for him. Especially since mum put him in a Christian school. She hoped that the school will help him get his life back on track as well as remind him of the Christian values the family once respected so much.

"April you need to stop worrying. You know I'll be fine"

"You better, because I hate giving you hidings" No one liked it when April gave Chris hidings. Once it was so extreme that she started throwing plates at him. She finished tying his tie and dusted off the invisible dust from his clean white shirt.

"You ready?" She looked over to him and he nodded.

"Bye mum" the two went into their mothers' room and kissed her goodbye. April opened up her window and let some light & fresh air into the stuffy room. They both grabbed their bags on the kitchen table and walked to the station together.

"Any word from Jason?" April was curious about her brother whom she hadn't heard from in two days.

"He said he might come over tomorrow. He's algoods"

April mentally shook away the thought of Jason getting hurt. He's a grown man, right? He won't do anything to intentionally harm himself, she thought to herself. April gave her brother a bear hug before she parted to her platform and he went to his bus stop.

Aprils train came, fast approaching. She entered and decided to sit on the top cart. Catching the train at this time felt peaceful, barely any high schoolers and not so many people catching it to get to work. April braced herself for the fifty-seven-minute train ride.


Later that night April heard a noise in the living room and jumped on her feet into ninja mode.


"April? What the fuc- " Jason rubbed the side of his cheek. April held her hands up in surrender while laughing.

"Good to see you too, ugly" He pulled her into a hug. Ruffling her long hair that was put into a bun.

"What are you doing here?"

"The boys are round the back, where's mum?" She pointed to her mothers' room down the hall. They both walked with Jason leading and April following. Their mother was sitting up on her bed and reading the bible with her glasses on.

"Hi, mum" Jason smiled kissing his mother on the forehead.

"Hi son. You been staying out of trouble?" She put her bible on the bedside table and took off her glasses. He sat down on the bed beside her.

"You know I try" April listened to their conversation from the door.

"You still in those streets?"

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